Rendering bug please help me

I keep getting a rendering bug that freezes my game while in a match. I’ve reinstalled the game 3 times, I’ve done a graphics driver wipe and reinstall. It just keeps happening and I’m up to 15 games needed to get myself out of the -75% exp even though I’m not actually quitting matches and I’m rejoining after I launch the game. My CPU is running the default settings and also my GPU (9600k and 2070). I’m at the point of simply quitting because this is the only game it happens on. Please help and Thank you - Veric PS I’ve also went to running one screen(Alienware 240hz freesync) from 2 thinking that might help.

This is likely going to be part of the RTX issues over here. Would recommend giving that steps a try. If there’s still issues please post in that thread so we can keep things consolidated!