"Render Device Lost" Fix for RTX

You can with NVidia Profile Inspector. Delete the Overwatch profiles after you got it running. Then you can run Overwatch from the launcher as usual.

delete the nvidia profile in inspector, boom legit fixed. Cant believe how long this has been going on and that hasnt been officially recommended.

I did as you instructed here and i imediately noticed a huge raise in both cpu and gpu usage while playing. Cpu is usually pretty high for me in Overwatch but the gpu usage was also really high ~90%, not normal. I figure this has to do with me deleting those nvidia profiles maybe, because i tried re-naming the exe. back to Overwatch.exe and it’s still a massive difference. Haven’t been able to test for “rendering device lost” crashes yet because the game is now unplayable due to low framerates/high usage, and I don’t want my pc to be running this strained all the time. Is there a way to restore the nvidia profiles somehow and just get it back to normal. I’d rather have a game that crashes on occasion than a game that melts my computer. Thanks for any help you can give. / Bofibofi

I had this error message some weeks ago and it went away with a patch, but on PTR I get this error again!

25 days and no update. wow.

Neither deleting the Overwatch profiles with profile inspector or changing the Overwatch exe name has worked for my RTX 2070

I stopped renaming a couple weeks ago and nothing bad happened. Since the Sigma and 2-2-2 patch I have played all of my placements and a bunch of quick play, all from the launcher without any workarounds, and I have not had a single crash using a 2060. I am tempted to say that somewhere along the line this got fixed, at least for my particular setup.

Are there any solutions for fixing the stuttering FPS? I am running on the rtx2080, I7-4770. I have done everything from reinstalling the GPU driver and so on.

I have been getting this error after 2-2-2 patch almost every game and i’m on a 1060 with the latest drivers 431.60 and i’m quite sure you guys wont do anything about it until it affects 90% of your player base but i’m still mentioning it here anyways

I’m a new comer to Overwatch and this has been a problem for me every time I play this game. I’m running a 2080RTX on the latest driver, all other drivers and BIOS are all updated and I’m still having this issue. The only fix I’ve been able to find is restarting my computer after the error comes up, which allows me to continue playing for the remainder. If I relaunch the game again, the error comes back. Really frustrating for everyone, I’m sure. No overclocking, all stock settings but I’ll try the lowering of GPU mem to see if that has any effect.

Got this today for the first time in comp with an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti.
I updated the driver after that don’t know if it worked.

I was playing competive and I just got banned for this. I was having a perfect game, and it has been cut off. I have an RTX 2080 Ti graphics card and non of the issues worked for me.

I can’t really say this will work for certain for you, but this seems to finally have done it for me, and I spent a lot of time with the issue.

  1. Have both Windows and GeForce Experience updated.
  2. Fixing Windows missing or corrupted files with these instructions.

Luckily that will help!

I have updated Windows yesterday, my drivers are already updated. Let’s hope it works.

I have had this problem for 4 or 5 months now. Went through blizzard support and did everything they recommended and still has not been fixed. Disabled Overclocks, uninstalled Geforce, updated windows, reinstalled geforce, etc, etc.

Nothing. So god damn frustrating that they can’t fix their game after how long…

GTX 1070

RTX 2080
Problem still not fixed :slight_smile: Got 2 dc in 2 days so I got -100 sr and ban for 30 mins. Is this my problem that you cant fix your game? I tried EVERYTHING and still got this error…

I used this this fix almost two weeks ago and have not had a crash since! I uninstalled the game… Because it doesn’t support my $700 graphics card. I loved this game, had over one thousand hours on it, but enough was enough.

So I think I have narrowed down the issue with the RTX 2080 (my card )
I have a dual bios card I set it to the silent mode… My card runs far hotter than I’d prefer at 72°C.
But this keeps the card from boosting to high.

Disabling overclocks you can do but you can’t disable the GPU boost 3.0, I’m trying to find a balanced fan curve so i can keep my card under 70°C and not boost over the 1800ish MHz. I’m not sure how easy this is to fix with drivers or a game patch I do hope this helps people.

383 (384 now?) users participating in this thread.

That’s a LOT of potential assistants.

I stated this in another thread but I’ll state it here, too, for perhaps better visibility at Blizzard.

I’ll be happy to work with a dev to grab a dump, or even drop into debug mode.

I realize this is ultimately an issue with how nVidia drivers and Windows 10 interact, but whatever Overwatch is doing is acting as a catalyst. Would be more than happy to help determine what that might be, so that that information could then be shared with nVidia and Microsoft.


+1 I miss playing DVA :frowning: