Removing clash from comp

Somebody said this was happening next season. Is that true? I really like clash, my games always tend to be super close for the most part

It’s true, it’s in their blog post. And the reason why your games are often close is because the mode forces it to be that way, with how much of an advantage the losing team gets at their home point. It’s why the mode is garbage imo, forcing close games is not competitive, and doesn’t belong there.

I’ve always wondered if that was the case of the mode itself forcing close games. Makes sense then.

You think they’ll remove it for Overwatch 3? In fact, I’m surprised they’re not ripping the whole mode out of the game (except for custom games that you’ll never be able to organize). Isn’t that how we do things in Overwatch?

Well, if the losing team is always able to hold their closest point, that is 3 caps for them. So as long as they can defend that, where they spawn right on top and the enemy spawns across the map, it will be 5-3 even if they win no other point.

I wish they would remove it from qp too until they can improve its massive flaws. Less content is better than more content if that added content is just bad.

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Did they mention anything else new in the blog post?

It’s not too long of a read. Talked about their 6v6 player results. A mini comp 6v6 coming mid season of season 15, talking about their upcoming stream on Feb 12th etc.

Yes, and thank God because I hate Clash! I wish they’d remove it from QP too. Alas it’s just getting removed from Comp.

Pretty sure Paris and lunar were removed from comp a while before qp. So maybe there is hope in the future! Or them being able to improve the mode, tho I don’t see how that can happen without totally reworking it and changing how the last points function with spawns.

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Damn, are we back in Overwatch 1? People complained about the content drought then, so it appears less content isn’t better than bad content.

And players have hated each and every mode Blizzard has released. Is it possible this is just a player base issue? I used to think the customer was always right, but then I played Overwatch.

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Hmmm, any mention as to 5v5? I’m worried that blizzard will do something dumb and get rid of 5v5 comp. I prefer 5v5 heavily tbh

They said as of now 5v5 will remain the base game mode. But just read the article if you want more info :slight_smile:

Sure some people have disliked modes like push and flashpoint. But they do not have the awful balance issues that clash does, hence its removal.

As much as I love Clash, it absolutely should go to the abyss with 2CP.
That being said however, there needs to be a map voting system. Clash and 2CP, even Paris, should be available on a selection screen that provides a map for each mode.