Remove "win" condition challenges

Whales that paid $140 total to just complete the battlepass as soon as they bought it?

It´s a challange. It´s not suppose to be easy and you don´t have to do them all. I like, that people have to actualy try to achiev something and not just be in game a certain amount of time.

Actually it’s exactly one 1900 :coin: skin :man_supervillain:t5: per 1.2 years (63 weeks)

I don’t like chores challenges at all but since they’re here to stay, I’d rather they encourage winning a game rather than merely joining a game and then pratting around in it to fill a quota. That makes the game worse for anyone else who’s there to play the game for the gameplay rather than for Monopoly money.

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No … just no. They’re challenges! for a reason. What kinda challenge is it if you’re just playing matches?

Playing matches is not a challenge. There is no fail point in that. A challenge needs a success and fail point or it’s just an “objective”. Not a challenge.

I am already playing the game, playing it actively, what’s the point? Don’t make up excuses

Are you aware that it doesn’t have to be this exact way? Anti-player way, you know

I would not spend 5 dollars on an epic skin and 500 coins that are worth one emote (and that’s on a sale?)
There should be reasonable ways to earn money within reasonable time to pay reasonable prices

No, they are called “challenges!” for no reason. I don’t see how saying thanks to a support is “a challenge”. They could be called quests and nothing would change, nothing at all

he’s denser than the core of a neutron star, don’t waste your time with him. He based his entire personality around antagonizing anyone who criticizes overwatch even when he agrees with the criticism


They should be removed in all modes. But wins should reward double experience.

it sounds good until you spend 5 minutes to think about it and realize that what it does is make everyone more toxic and more likely to leave when the game goes south.
it just increases frustration because winning now has extra stakes and there being an end to it makes people want to get a move on. It’s the exact reason why weekly skin events in ow1 changed from 9 wins to “play x amoun, win is worth double”

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1,000x this.

But Blizzard absolutely adores their FOMO and can’t design games without it for some reason…

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When I quit World of Warcraft many months ago I was like… “Yaaa, no more dailies or weeklies. Good times ahead!”

Only for OW2 to be announced to be going F2P with challenges which have their daily and weekly varieties, even seasonal ones :rofl:

I don’t even bother trying to do the win challenges, I’ve got 3 of them left and IF I did them for all that stress… I would only get +10 in game currency :rofl: (hit the 11/11 mark on weeklies.)


You are the one making up excuses dude. You are complaining that in order to get something that is not needed at all, you have to work for it lol.
“I dont want to do anything remotely challenging, give me a participation award”.

"Anti-player" , welcome to #drama
A bonus, totally optional thing in the game requires you to win matches because its called a challenge. If you think thats anti player, you are way beyond help my dude.

well… you figure the skin is worth 99 cents, then you get 500 OW tokens. Not an extremely bad deal. i think it’s fine.

this exactly.
challenges are just extra stress for minimal gain, to turn the game into a skinner box that you keep plying when you don’t want to

room temperature iq people will gush over them not realizing the real goal behind them and some will continue to insult others who don’t like them because “you can not do them” or “you don’t need to” even if, technically speaking, it’s the only meaningful progression in the game and the only way to unlock stuff without paying

yes, they re anti-player because they are not designed to enrich the experience, but to gate behind content behind artificial busywork.

honestly, it’s HILARIOUS they think “don’t play the game” is this big defense.


maybe one day you will understand these challenges are designed to keep people playing, keep them angry and seeking the one more game instead of enriching the experience. They’re the only way to unlock skins and heroes without paying money, so yeah, you kinda HAVE to, the only other option is to not play the game, which is not really a good defense at all

but you didn’t get this the other 2000 times you’ve been told this, so i lost all hope you will ever understand this.

Yeah yeah “not needed at all”, aren’t you tired of shilling? Skins are fun, and if you think that they are not needed you are basically saying “fun is not needed in games”

They should rename skins to “a very good option, buy right now!!!” so blizzard fanboys could say "You see they are called this way so you must buy them. The name defines it all :nerd_face: "

It was a real challenge to say “Thanks” to a support. Real challenge, can’t believe I did it :muscle:

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in another thread he unironically said overwatch 2 was better because blizzard said it was better.

challenges are mandatory if you want to get skins or level the battlepass (thus unlocking new heroes) without paying. You get a meager 250 xp for a win without skins and no coins at all otherwise.


Yea, I really don’t understand why getting the last 3/11 gives the lowest amount reward. I get 8/11 by just playing and not trying to focus on the weeklies so I never even bother collecting the last 3 weeklies that give the worst reward anyways.

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Be more dramatic please, you can still overexaggerate and claim that people with skins have an advantage. Cmon, you know you want to.

And yet you are still here complaining about having to win in order to get optional things. IDK what do you think you are accomplishing but I can assure you, its not what you think :rofl:

Now this dude puts words in my mouth, keep it going :wink:

No, I am not talking about optional things. Only about credits, battle pass and skins