Remove widow from low gravity

I had enough of RQ and decided to play some arcade. I ended up playing several games of low gravity.

The games were a constant rotation of leavers. The reason was pretty obvious - most people left after being 1-shot by widow. 2 of the games were cancelled part way through because of lack of players - too many people left at once.

I know widow players love it because it is so easy to click heads of floating players. But players play it because of the floating around which is the fun part. But you can’t have fun if every time you hit jump your head gets clicked by Widow.

I don’t really care that much as this experience means I probably won’t play it again, but if Blizz actually wants people to play and enjoy this mode without constant leavers and cancelled games, then just letting them know that widow is the reason (and of course, sombra ruins this mode - but that is obvious as she ruins every mode).

To be fair, you can float around without dying to a Widow, positioning is still a thing, just as with normal games.

Of course it also depends on your character and team-play, but I don’t think a character should be removed purely because they became strong due to players not keeping that kind of stuff in mind.

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