Remove storm arrrows!

can they finally rework storm arrows
the stupiest ability in the game

just press e and shoot anywhere you want
you dont even need aim for it

its already bouncing of from walls
hitting shot randomly - who cares XD
the arrow somewhere flying in the airhitbox - still hits you


Bring back scatter arrows :thinking:

You are confusing storm arrows with scatter arrow…

And that was removed in 2018

the one diffrent is the storarrows you shoot 1 by 1

but the bounce is same
the damage is same
the size is same
the hitting someone 5 meters next to the body is the same

Didn’t i say people who can’t use cover will always be owned by hanzo even without one shot.

It literally takes two hs on storm to kill 250 hp.

Nothing will ever change the complaining will always be there even as a unique hero was ruined of his identity.



bro what cover if the stupid arrow bounced of the wall hits me around the corner???
where is the cover that XDDD

If you die from the bounce of storm arrow you might actually be silver