Remove role que already

Believe me, I get that fun is subjective. Since you’re taking that snippet out of context I can retort: assuming most people play games for fun - fun derived from the thrill, challenge, or whatever else.

Does that apply to overwatch? What about comp? Is it supposed to? I can’t really speak for the demographics. But generally speaking, you want to maximize the number of people having fun in your games. You try and let different versions of subjective fun average out, so you’re left with something that is a appropriate for your playerbase.

Because for them it has greater appeal at the moment. You might say that group is choosing a casual fun/thrill over competition, but it could be other reasons. Maybe they don’t like the ranked environment, or enjoy creativity, or the ability to leave matches. Either way they’re electing to go with QPC because it suits their palette more.

By deduction, they want a blend of fun and competition (ranked environment). Both are subjective, but again you can ‘average out’ what that means to most people. Supposedly for 2/3 thats locked 222. But theres a large crowd that still wants an unjailed landscape for fun+competition.

That crowd has been alienated (by jailed 222) and wants compensation.
A ranked/competitive QPC, or the ability to join ranked as an unlocked group, is what they typically call for.

why? so we can go back to

  1. having 5 dps
  2. having a main healer or main tank switch to dps because they think the dps arent doing a good enough job

no thanks, i would love 2/2/2 to say in comp and i am more than sure that is what they are going to do

But people already had a way to solve the issue. They had a way to trade queue times for quality matches. It was the LFG system. You waited around a while and got exactly what you wanted. It even went a step beyond, where you could force ratings, profiles, voice chat, etc. I mean the tools were literally there, right in front of you, is you so chose.

You literally had all the tools and dials in place to take matters into your own hands. The unjailed 222 crowd gets none of that now.

Could they have made LFG better? Almost surely. They could have offered lootboxes or something for using it. They could’ve improved its interface. Etc. Instead, they threw that under the bus and just forced a total role prison on the entire population. Its a horrendous design decision that shed players and wasted developer resources in the process.

The easiest solutions fall into five categories:

  • Revert 222 role-lock back to unjailed format.
  • Weaken the lock, giving flex slots, rework to 111+x or w/e.
  • Give LFG option to make flex/unjailed teams and able to join the same ranked comp mode.
  • Give us ranked QPC.
  • Do nothing.

Stop pushing a dead meme (lol5dps). I don’t know what version of the ladder you remember, but it wasn’t as bad as 5dps every match. Just look at the pickrates and win rates from back then. It numerically could not have been 5 dps most matches.

We also have the vods/streams - most of those games are not straight up 5 dps, but rather players with main roles and some flexing in real-time to solve matchmaker gaps. Those matches had higher skill ceilings because of the potential for real-time flexing and adaptation.

And more often then not, people would converge on e.g. 303 or 132 or even 222, when the going got tough towards the end. They were willing to get into a match fast, have some fun mostly playing dps, and downshift into tank or support heavy comps for the final brawls.

Even if you believe none of the above, the lol instalock 5dps was easily solved by LFG. If quality matches was what you were after, LFG did that, and it didn’t make the rest suffer with longer queues for some narrow minded forced 222 jail expectation on all.

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i was always a healer with atleast 4 dps at my rank on xbox, the higher i could climb it got better but when i would drop my rank it was a night mare

what they should do it have 2 comps

1 as the original no forced role Q

2 as a role Q comp

then people can pick what they want to do with out being forced to have the only solution be to play in a 6 stack for any sort or reliable game

That would be fun… 222 balanced games or play dps only comp. :smile:


The in-game reporting system definition of Gameplay Sabotage is as follows:

“Actively harassing or disrupting your own team through the use of game mechanics or player actions.”

So, by your player action of playing Moira as a DPS only, you are disrupting your team because they expected 2 supports and now, thanks to DPS Moira, they only have 1.

Thus playing a Support (or tank) as DPS only is Gameplay Sabotage.

You are meant to soak damage as a tank, as in taking damage that would otherwise hit your teammates.

Merely taking damage as a tank is not an indicator that you are playing tank as intended.

Damaging foes is not disabling them. Merely doing damage as a support is not an indicator that you are playing support as intended.

Just because you may think someone is feeding does not make it so. Once again, that is no indicator that you’re playing the role as intended.

Also, feeding is explicitly stated as something that is Gameplay Sabotage in the in-game reporting system.

Everything is intentional :slight_smile: ROLE-Q makes people leave the game just to buy Overwatch 2 where will be no ROLEQ xD This is how the business works.

And thats is the basis we should go by. The explanations given by the in-game reporting system and its examples. Not some external link to an Overwatch promo page that gives ‘prototypes’ of where each role excels.

Not healing is not harassing or disrupting. A mei walling her spawn is. A DPS moira is trying her best to win. With ~70% win rates to plat, a lot of DPS moiras are doing anything but sabotaging the outcome of the game. Same goes for DPS hammond or even reddit lucio who gets environmental kills instead of healing. You’re getting no healing or tanking, but these guys are carrying the match and giving you a win.

Denying or disrupting gameplay (i.e. manual control and freedom of movement) of your character via tps or mei walls does make for sabotage. The people playing outside of their roles is not acitvely blocking you from gameplay.

An Overwatch promo page? It’s the official Overwatch website.

It absolutely is disruptive when your team expects to have 2 supports and ends up with only 1 because 1 of the supports decided to DPS only instead.

It doesn’t say anywhere in the tutorial or in-game instructions that you have to follow those ‘prototypical’ guidelines from their webpage.

The official definition/examples we’re provided with, essentially involve restricting a teammate’s movement, or relocating them to unwilling locations. There is nothing about not healing or not tanking there.

Are we playing the same game? I can’t find anything official on not using all of one’s kit (e.g. not healing) being sabotage in-game, let alone promo pages.

At least spell it out for people, correctly and officially via the product/service itself. That is, if you’re going to make the highly exploitable reporting system the only channel for policing gameplay. To do otherwise is bad gameplay management and it certainly isn’t fair to the players.

Are people that ignorant assuming what roles am playing for my long ques without even asking? First I barely play dps on all of my accounts, I play sup mostly in these ranks 3700-4200 before I quit due to the long ques in EU. Yes am struggling on supports to find a match every single match is 10-15m average and 6-8 is best and it does not happen all the time. I play in good times where most of the players are awake.

The only thing that blizz needs to do with role queue itself is to add a priority queue for people who’s match is canceled. That is a legit issue with role queue itself and there is no reason a dps player should have to sit through 2 10 min queues back to back cause of a leaver.

Aside from that role lock is a good addition and if blizz would speed up some more major hero balance patches and add some new tanks/supports it will be great.

Idk how people like role queue I’ve seen it as garbage from the beginning. I hate that people think 2 2 2 is the only valid comp in the game and now they’re forcing that. I wish they’d get rid of it already it’s just so bad in every aspect.

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