Remove Rez from the game

You’re right for the wrong reasons.

I don’t even think that in it’s current state rez is that impactful, but that’s because of all the negatives they had to throw on it and the massive cooldown it has. I think it should go just so we can see mercy buffed in meaningful ways.

Here is a secret

While Mercy is frozen is place and unable to heal, move in.

Take advantage of the 4v6 bruh

There is a way how to rework a certain ability but keep what made it unique.

Change the how it applies/triggers.
For example: Mercy applies an effect on a certain ally and if this ally’s hp reaches zero while effect is active - he’s automatically resurrected. There might be some other things - resurrects with certain health percentage or he effect disappears when mercy dies, but you got the point

No. Rez is literally the only actual counter to one shot mechanics in this game. If rez is bad then so are the one shot mechanics

This post is 12 days old why are y’all digging it up from the grave, put it back in

You’d be needing to replace rez with something ridiculously strong interactive and unique enough and I personally have zero ideas on what it can be. Rez is her uniqueness, mobility might make her fun and consistency is an aspect but rez is her trump card. What will be her trump card to compensate losing rez? I don’t think such an ability can exist, it wont be mercy, just like sym 3.0 has nothing to do with sym 2.0 It would be too different

Can we stop this “Remove X hero/skill/basic mechanic from the game” trend already?
Its not helpful, constructive or 90% of the time making any sense at all.

There are many unfair things in the game but thats what happens on a hero/abilities based FPS mate, if you want “fairness” there are plenty of base “FPS war” games, like CSGO or Battlefield.

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I genuinely don’t understand the frustration towards current rez at this point. It’s a 30 second CD (longest CD in the game), it doesn’t reset after death (the only CD in the game that does not reset after death), Mercy is literally stunned for 1.75 seconds in which she can not heal, shoot, or damage boost and her only movement is spinning in a circle (no, she can’t crouch either), and lastly she can not rez through walls and has to be close to her fallen team mate. It is very hard to rez during a team fight also. I understand the argument of wanting to remove it so Mercy can have more room in her kit to be buffed but acting like it’s overpowered when the hero itself is 100% team reliant and fundamentally weak in ladder baffles me. There is also so many counters to it, like killing her as she is very vulnerable, stunning her, and booping her.
PS: the argument that rez does not belong in an FPS when it’s literally in several FPS is the stupidest argument ever. Its the only counter to one shots and even then you have to become a statue next to a body that was literally just one shot.

Sorry if this sounds aggressive, it’s just honestly getting annoying seeing posts about heroes or abilities when the heroes aren’t even that good. Like I find Sym turrets are annoying, that doesn’t mean I should remove them. There’s lots of annoying things in the game but that’s literally part of the game. They aren’t meant to make you happy.

I’d trade rez to get 60hp/s in a heartbeat. Yes I am a Mercy player, I am just not attached to the self-cc quicksand long animation single target must not break line of sight or 3 foot radius check rez, it sucks to use during fights

based on this, have you looked at the dodo rework?

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Nah, it’s not a matter of balance.
Think of it this way: Mercy would become the textbook definition of a healbot without some activated ability.
If it’s not res then something else has to take it’s spot. Mercy would literally only able to fly around and heal/dmg boost people. If I wanted that play style, I’d play Moira.
There’s no way you could justify removing res and not giving back anything. That would literally just be another nerf, which she definitely doesn’t need.

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I disagree. I thought symms shielding to others and her tp tempo rez was her identity. Clearly I was wrong.

Mercy is a strong mobile healer. Rez isn’t part of her.

gonna disagree with you there, N7…I see rez as iconic to Mercy, though I have to admit that Blizzard has demonstrated that things I see as iconic arent off the table at rework time

armor! come get your armor!


That’s why it was an Ultimate

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You know when people complain that rez is too good of an ability or even too powerful.

Almost as if it should have been an ultimate. :thinking:

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I agree that resurrect in its CURRENT state is extremely unhealthy for the game. It could work if it was somehow reworked into an ultimate (doesn’t have to be mass res). But if I had to choose between deleting res or keeping it as is, I’d chuck it in the bin too.

That’s what I’m saying. Clearly what makes a hero isn’t inherently their kit… I mean… Scatter was in his freaking cinematic and they took it out. Idk how much more iconic a thing has to be…

I thought symm being the only one to be able to sort of six man rez was cool. Shielding allies was nice… Just not nice enough I guess :woman_shrugging:t5:

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I’ve never liked using E rez, even during Mercy’s moth meta reign.

I worked really hard at mastering the classic Mercy to earn rez as fast as I could. That meant juggling my healing beam so quickly and efficiently that no one even had to ask for healing, flickering damage boost at all the right sweet spots to help confirm kills, and staying 2 steps ahead of any assassins that wanted to kill me.

Dying as Mercy back then meant that progress towards obtaining rez was delayed by at least 20 seconds (10 to respawn, and another 10 to even make it out of the spawn room).

Now rez is handed to you. Even if you’re horrible at keeping teammates alive, never use damage boost, and spend more time running back from spawn than anything else… you still get rez as fast as the world’s best Mercies did before she was reworked.

I know that the old AoE multirez was annoying to play against. It didn’t have enough restrictions (which gave it room for cheese strats), and the fact that it only affected dead players made it pretty niche compared to the other healer ults out there. But it’s uptime was decided by the skill of the Mercy player vs the skill of the other team at killing her. You could absolutely prevent Mercy from earning rez at all back then, if you harassed her with a dive character.

If you want to reduce Rez’s uptime to somehting that’s less of a thorn in your side, the only way left to do it is chain it back down into being an ultimate that needs charging. I’m not asking for the multirez that Mercy 1.0 had. I want a reworked multirez, something with proactive counterplay and a little extra something for living allies to keep it from being too niche.

I see what youre saying, but to me everything that was great about rez was lost when they added that horrible slow and cast time (balanced or not its super unfun lol) so honestly it wouldnt make much of a difference to me.
They could even keep with without cast time but just have it be during Valk only. I’ve seen plenty of ideas for what her new E could be like a cleanse, burst heal, invuln etc. which would be good enough for me.
I think they could do it, and it wouldnt be as dramatic as the switch from sym 2.0 to 3.0 as the main part of her kit (her staff and blaster) wouldnt be changing and her ult wouldnt be effected much either.

I mean if standing next to a dead body and glowing like a bullseye for 1.75 seconds (in a game where TTK is 2 seconds) is still some sort of powerful ability then idk dude, I guess Dynamite is cheat code at this point. If it’s so powerful and useful why is it not utilized in upper ranks and pro play and hasn’t been ever since the moth meta died after all these restrictions were put on it. There is zero reason for her to not have 60 hps back