Remove Resurrect Please

well they removed scatter shot so why not?

Uhh…dmg boost is 50%, discord orb is 30%. They’re pretty on-par with each other.

Her insane mobility, combined with insane self-heal means that she survives way more. I think the main healer being alive longer benefits the team, no?

Don’t think it needs to be removed. I think changes need to be made. Same way a game and its community changes, pretty sure a lot of people just have bad memories of resurrect, while they’d be able to stop it more consistently than before.

After all, I see a lot of focus on having Mercy constantly down.

Then do it. Problem solved.



That’s the fault of Moira and Ana being unviable. Mercy alone isn’t the issue, though rez on a e-move cooldown is a huge factor.

Just like Reinhardt, who has a higher win and pick rate?

Lucio says hi for mobility and survivability. Every other healer besides Ana and Zen also say hi for having mobility abilities that don’t depend exclusively on team mates.



But removing it won’t solve the problem either. She needs her ult put back where it was - on Q. She needs a revert, whether the devs want to or not, because that’s the only thing that will make her engaging AND balanced. So far there’s no other alternative that can accomplish both of those things with her and just leads to her getting nerf after nerf for every little thing (to keep everyone playing against her happy at the cost of making her worse and worse to play).

If you want to remove something, you need to compensate that for something else in it’s place. Until you give some good suggestions on what that would be, I don’t think just taking stuff away without a compromise is the answer. Even scatter arrow was compensated with two more abilities.

If you want to remove something, how about they remove the thing that’s actually made her a must pick? Remove Valkyrie and put her res back where it should be. It’s a lot more engaging to play than a 10 second “spectator mode”. Mass ressurect has never made Mercy a must pick nor a “broken hero” compared to her rework and then having res on E, and just removing ress itself won’t solve the problem of “best mobility / survivability” that you stated before. She will still be the best mobile healer and most survivable, even without res due to her target healing and Guardian angel, so what… Are we removing those two abilities as well so she isn’t “ruining the game?”

Removing res from the game makes no sense in what you’re trying to accomplish. It simply is in the wrong part of her kit. Mercy 1.0 with mass res had no such problems.

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Precisely. Those arguing “but the lore :(” need to realise that scatter arrow was even featured in an animated short and they still removed that.

Personally when I ask a teammate to swap to mercy it’s for the damage boost or for the high mobility. The res is good an all, but far from game breaking. If anything it’s a great way to bate out a mercy to her death. It’s really the only thing that makes mercy a threat imo. Personally I’ve seen far less mercies then I did a while ago.

I’m all for a full revert, but Blizz have stated it’s never gonna happen.
I do agree though, Valk is spectator mode.

No worries. Actually I’m not sure Lucio can… buuut yea, about main healers only Mercy.