Remove Resurrect Please

Lore shouldn’t matter when making balance and gameplay decisions. If a mechanic is bad for the health of the game, you can’t justify keeping it in because “it’s part of their character.”


To many of us the current Mercy is already a different hero from the Mercy we fell in love with. They have nerfed so many aspects of her that I no longer feel like rez is part of her core kit anymore. In fact, before I stopped playing I had the urge of boycotting rez, because using it felt like I was robbing myself of the enjoyment of playing a computer game. Using rez is a chore, not fun. With instant rez that was not the case, but we know that instant rez is really powerful so I’d rather they just gave Mercy something else entirely.

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It was balanced for a year as an ultimate.

But with 2 supports on every team, if they both were able to res, there’d be even more team “lives”. It’d be just as bad.

I think reverting the 60>50hps nerf would be enough to keep her in line with Ana and Moira.
Besides, Ana takes way more skill and should be rewarded as such.

Why not? I’d rather they removed this “important part” and made the game fun to play with Mercy than continue this boring res-bot state she’s in atm.

Ah, I misunderstood your point, apologies.
Valkyrie is a powerful tool, no doubt.
Mercy’s mobility is insane compared to the other healers and Valk definitely helps that.

Are you forgetting the fact that Mercy has the following:

  • Damage Boost
  • Highest Mobility
  • Only healer capable of healing through enemy barriers

Subjective, but the general consensus is that she’s a bot.

Exactly my point. Game comes before lore.


I personally don’t need Mercy to be a powerful hero. I just need her to be fun and for people on my team to be ok with me playing her.


Just don’t forget, Lúcio and Zen can heal behind barriers, if i’m not mistaken.

I made a thread about why Valkyrie is so much of a problem and why, even as an e, it would not be balanced and what could be done.
If you have some time and want to read it:

Same for you, that link. I tried to be as detailed as possible.
Just if you want more information.

Only zen can. Except his ult.

But…you used subjective argument in your OP why are you calling it out here?

Also general consensus? According to who? The people who don’t like her on the forums and Reddit? That’s a pretty wild claim to make without numbers to back it up cause what if…

General Consensus thinks she’s fine.

Like we can both make claims but without data to back it up its doesn’t mean much.

Damage boost alone is a joke compared to antinade and sleep dart. Or speed boost and discord orb.

Ok she has mobility and especially during valk right? Does that benefit her team at all though? Any ult counters valk healing even on live with 60hps.

What’s the point of even having Overwatch Lore if it’s constantly just going to get changed?

What’s the point of even having unique characters for that matter? They’re going to get changed anyways.

Resurrect is the most important part of Mercy, not only kit-wise, but as a character. If you remove that, then you might as well have a literal heal-bot, because there will be nothing left to Mercy’s character.

The only thing I see in this thread is a sad, cruel reminder of how widely dis-regarded Overwatch is in a view of Lore and Character, they only care about the game itself, which is alright, but a bit short-sighted in my opinion.

Unfortunately you’re probably right in that regard, Mercy has gone through many changes in-game. But why make the problem worse by wanting resurrect removed? Why should we stick by as Mercy get’s butchered even more?

I don’t care if people consider it a “useless effort”, If I have the free time and the patience, I’ll vouch for Mercy to remain who she was before for a long time.

Lore is just as important, if not more, as Balance. One of the things that makes Overwatch different from other shooters is it’s rich abundance in character and lore, if those are disregarded completely, than what’s the point of even having them in the first place?

Not only would you be hurting Mercy as a character, you’d also just be turning her into a heal-bot.

I won’t deny that the developers have made some fumbles with Mercy balance-wise, but something like this is seeping in the part of Mercy’s character and lore, and that’s something too extreme to be a logical decision to make.

Tl;dr: Lore is as important as the game, and Balance decisions that are detrimental to said Lore should never be taken. Lore is one of the things that makes Overwatch unique. Resurrect can be changed, but should not be removed entirely. That’d essentially just make her a different kind of “-bot”

Lucio can’t. Barriers block LoS to heals and soundbarrier

Nah, all or nothing

They were sacrificed at the altar of “Rez is so OP” so they can return if rez is removed

It got to a point when I personally was just fed up with how Blizzard and the community made me feel as a Mercy player. There’s been a strong disconnect between the changes to Mercy and what I perceive to be the fun mechanics of playing Mercy. Every change they make is like the are rubbing salt in an open wound, because I know they once designed Mercy to be a fun hero but these days they don’t even seem to care whether she is fun to play or not. Add to that the threats, insults, and being told to go kill myself because I was a Mercy one-trick.

What I feel is that I’m not wanted… I’m an undesirable… I’m a voice they (Blizzard and the community) would rather silence.

I know I’m exaggerating a bit, after all it’s only a game, but I feel it’s the best way to get how I feel across in written form. I stopped playing Overwatch over 6 months ago, but it is difficult to turn a blind eye to the deceit, trickery, manipulation and lies that I feel Blizzard continue to push as they ignore and disrespect the community.

So, at this stage I guess the only thing I have left to hope for is that Mercy is turned into a completely different hero that keeps her mobility and no-aim usefulness. Perhaps I can learn to like that new Mercy, perhaps not… but I have given up on Mercy 1.x and Mercy 2.x


I’m sorry you had to go through those kinds of things, being told to kill yourself is an issue completely beyond playing a certain hero, it’s probably the worst, universal thing you can say to somebody.

But as somebody who wanted to main Mercy, but ended up stepping back due to the toxic nature of what they receive possibly day-to-day, It pains me to see people still treating Mercy mains as sub-humans, not to mention the previously mentioned butchering of Mercy’s kit and just her as a character, I don’t really have much of an otherwise option of fixing this problem than raising my hand into the sky, and forming a support crew of people who share the same ideal of bringing Mercy back to her roots.

I wish for a Mercy revert more than anything in all honesty. That seems to be where she was the simplest, but unfortunately, I don’t think Blizzard has the word “Revert” in their dictionary.

So I guess for you and me, all we can do is see what happens to her.

But if Mercy doesn’t have rez, what would she have instead? The only good thing that Valk did was give Mercy an additional ability, which she needed prior to rework.


Lore is never more important than gameplay. What’s the point of even having other supports if Mercy is the only one you can play because of ONE broken mechanic? Reaper didn’t stop being Reaper because he doesn’t collect souls off the ground in game and Mercy wouldn’t stop being Mercy just because she doesn’t bring people back from the dead in game.

I’ll tell you what’s really short sighted. Making an online shooter, but balancing around lore. If no one is playing the game, there’s going to be no lore to put out.

Reaper isn’t really a good analogy, since he still technically collects souls, just through sapping it from his target as he deals damage to it.

Mercy won’t have some version of that, resurrect will be gone, nothing similar to replace it.

I’m not denying the mistakes Blizzard has made in balancing Mercy and Resurrect, but they’re evidently trying to make a game that includes Lore, so they can’t just delete these things out of the game.

Call me insane, but I still believe there’s hope for Mercy’s Resurrect being properly balanced.

To some it is… To people who enjoy immersing themselves in the character, who put personality to the way they play the hero, it is.

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My bad, I meant main healer though.

Well it shouldn’t be. The game’s core balance is what can drive people away from it and should always be top priority.