Remove Private Profiles?

Makes sense but aren’t winrates hidden already outside of 3rd party sites

No it wouldn’t because if they play enough their role skill will adjust to be accurate.

My problem is, Venus, these aren’t stats that are kept up to date. Role queue has reworked the playerbase a fair bit; old players are back, some are gone, some stayed.

Besides, after 6 months, chances are people are less “afraid” of Overwatch’s updated punishment systems. I’ve been playing for 4 years and have never been warned or punished.

So you improve upon existing systems, you don’t undo something that has been working.

That’s a massive decrease in toxicity. We don’t need that back.

Like SR has ever stopped people from blaming their team mates?

The simple fact is the majority of people feel like they don’t belong where they are and looking at people’s profiles to try to place blame is just a crappy coping mechanism for them.

If they were not talking to you, they aren’t talking to you. You can’t make them talk private profile or no. In order for a public profile to be useful in the first place, they have to be willing to coordinate with you.


Hence a suggestion further up the topic, reworking the profile page.

I believe that removing PRIVATE profiles is worth doing, but as a softener to the blow, give players a menu to adjust what players see on their profiles.
Sure they have the chance to set everything as private, and that’d be fine, but there have been numerous suggestions from plat to pro, to allow players to adjust what is seen.

For example:
-A list of preferred heroes.
-The ability to block what people see in terms of play times. For example, they could be only able to see the hours of the gamemode they’re playing; comp, qp, arcade, etc.
-Advanced stats tab. Players have a list of winrates, accuracy stats, etc etc, that they themselves can view, alongside others given the chance. I know this is already in the game, but a specific tab with relevant info instead of a cluster of numbers.

Holy crap you’ve played since before the open beta?

Jokes asides it’s only a matter of time before blizzard does something stupid again, private profiles was a smart move for a lazy company as it killed a lot of fuel for the trolls the refuse to do anything about.

I get it it sucks when theres 2 level 500 in a game and one is obviously a pro and the other average so it sucks not knowing beforehand whether i’m going to get an actual fair match or get steam rolled by this games over reliance on RNG matchmaking. But I got so sick of wasting time blocking trolls from spamming the chat with toxic crap claiming to be a better widow, while dying to a near death roadhog.

And what would be done for those of us who feel our histories, in any degree, are nobody’s business?

Removing private profiles shouldn’t be a thing because they work and did the job. Any tweaks should be coming from the place that profiles are private by default.


I turned up just before the first summer games event. 3, 4 years… I lost track. xD

This is a fake argument. If they cant communicate (dont use chat dont join VC) then you saying something means nothing.
You can suggest synergies with your hero without seeing other players profiles, people do it all the time, tell them a few heroes from the role that you think would work well and ask if they are comfortable on those heroes. You dont need to try and micromanage people. If they dont, then you swap to work well with them. Easy.

not true. Toxicity exists sure and it probably always will to some extent. Private profiles however stop the endless arguments over win rates, hours, and other random stats, where eventually the team is looking at each others profiles trying to find something to prove whos better and completely derailing the match. Its not the same thing, and it removes a huge part of very constant annoying toxicity in the game, where after almost 3 years no one really has time to look at everyones full profile and get proper info needed to help make a team at the start of the game. You get more things done by just communicating with your team.

Theres a lot of difference.


Hence why a rework is in order.
I did roughly discuss it in this thread, and will most likely make a 2nd asking for suggestions, as you and Venus are right: removing the feature entirely will bring back toxicity, but reWORKING would be the solution.

I just, hate staring at that grey screen.

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All they need to do is make it so you can see that their profile is private before you even click on it so you don’t waste time


No it’s not.
People say suggest, but people who “suggest” can actually communicate with others without profiles.
Get used to the truth, if you play with randoms, you have NO SAY in what they do.
If you think you are non-toxic and want to lead get on voice and talk to them.
They are not obligated to listen to you.
Those are the only facts.

I get that.

I saw a while back people suggesting for the game to let you pick like 4-5 heroes as your ‘‘top’’ heroes that your teammates would be able to see at the start of the game (you would also obv be able to change them).
I think this would be a great idea, especially since it also deals with the always amusing issues that public profiles bring, like people looking at your current season stats when you were playing different roles last season for example.

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Profiles need to be private by default or the toxic element in this community will ostracize anyone who actively sets it private.

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Yeah I think this appeared on a video from LtEddy some time back. Titled “Dear Overwatch.” He did highlight some features around the whole profile system that were, in dire need of more support.
It’s a good watch if it is of interest.

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Mom+ Dad plus you =3. You have just proven you are exactly what you are trying to call me.

Yes it very much is you just don’t won’t to admit your toxic, everyones toxic especially when the company lies about how matchmaking works in a game.

Look dude the majority never used stats as a way to control that’s from a small selective group known as, and say it slowly; vo-cal mi-nor-it-y. in terms of numbers they wouldn’t take up %10 of the playerbase

No, most used it to tell whether they should bail a match they have no way even standing a chance of winning, why should someone stay in a 3 minute match were they are going to lose (and winning yields rewards) than drop out at the start for a better chance.

Stop acting like everyone wanted the same thing, and stop being a control freak because you are clearly projecting.

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