EDIT: Looks like they are making this change for OW2 anyway so this discussion is kind of moot.
Portrait borders should be removed from the game as right now they serve no useful purpose and are just another source of toxicity.
Common examples:
“Bronze border with no stars? Must be a smurf!”
“Gold border and still in bronze? Haha that person sucks so much!”
Maybe when they put them in Blizzard originally intended them to be some kind of symbol of prestige but now they just make you a target.
Either remove them from the game altogether or change it so that everyone has the same kind of portrait border.
Agreed, but it does feel extremely satisfying to have something other than bronze. Even so, the same superiority would happen with just plain levels.
Maybe, but the levels would be in the career profile which people would have to actively click on, whereas the portrait borders are out in the open for all to see straight away.
But how will I be a gold border Hog stuck in gold without my precious border?
I don’t understand the point you’re trying to make here. Do you like being insulted for having played the game a long time and still being in a lower competitive rank? I know I don’t.
I guess they could make it an option, so that people can turn it on or off just as they like?
people don’t seem to understand that borders are simply “how many boxes did I farm?”
Seriously, CTF was super fast for ranking up and I got a bunch of boxes from it. Doesn’t mean I’m any good at competitive.
That isnt toxicity, that is just low quality trash talking.
This isnt an issue, let people have their 15 pieces of flair.
I’m guessing it’s not an issue for you because you’ve never experienced it. But for those of us who have, it is an issue, so please check your privilege.
I think it is funny that people think I care about their feelings.
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I checked my privilege, it said it wasnt a big deal.
I don’t think anything about you, I don’t even know you. All I said was I didn’t understand the point you were trying to make with your comment.
They already said they have plans for that. For OW2.
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Not you. I mean the border shaming people.
My point is that I want to be a meme Hog. I just need to go on a loss streak and voila. Gold border, gold Hog ready to give them some candy.
Well, this is a problem for another reason, but regardless, they could solve this by making the border a switchable option, people who want it can have it switched on, people who don’t want it could turn it off so it doesn’t show.
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Or, you know, we could just not let it get to us? Do you know how sad the life of a rank shamer or a border shamer must be? That this thing in a game most people play for fun, has enough value in their little world to where it somehow means anything to them. No, don’t take that away. Like those casually dropping racial slurs, its another tool to identify unsavory characters with inferiority complexes.
I mean, yeah, that should have just been a default option. Blizzard is a bit… um… they sometimes overlook common sense changes.
They’re taking it out in ow2. Already confirmed. But they did say they were working on a way to highlight play achievement some other way
Yeah sorry I hadn’t seen that post before.
Cool, but you get people who throw games because of this stuff. It just exacerbates a huge problem in the game.
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