They shouldn’t be included in the gallery count UNLESS you purchased them or got them.
It’s unfair and unnecessary to ruin complete galleries, especially when it’s literally impossible to get skins like Noire or the WoW stuff for console players.
They shouldn’t be included in the gallery count UNLESS you purchased them or got them.
It’s unfair and unnecessary to ruin complete galleries, especially when it’s literally impossible to get skins like Noire or the WoW stuff for console players.
Or any platform for that matter
yeah I fell through this misguided info -_-
It should be a bug. The devs have yet to comment on it. I am disappointed that it not even listed in the Known Issues.
It wasn’t there until this patch went through. It’s a real bummer because even after clicking it, the actual item areas don’t tell you what you’re missing. (Ex. It’ll still say 17/17 Skins even though I’m missing Blizzcon Bastion)
Also noticed a bug where the paragraphs beside certain skins (ex. Combat Medic Ziegler, Witch, Blackwatch Genji, etc.) is gone.
its not a complete gallery if you just say don’t include the things i don’t have
I’m legit done with this game is this isn’t a bug / is not fixed.
No sense to keep coming back for events if I can’t 100% my top 6 favorite characters.
they mean the things they literally cannot get anymore. Noire widow, Blizzon bastion/winston, those skins.
They also mean just don’t have them count toward the total number of cosmetics in the hero gallery selection. Like if I have all 90 or so of winston’s cosmetics, except blizzcon 2017, blizzcon winston should not count toward the total.
they are in fact part of the game and cosmetics. i do not have them and its completely fine
total cosmetics should be total cosmetics
You can get Wow stuff though as long as your blizzard account is connected with your purchase
I didn’t say they weren’t part of the game or that they weren’t cosmetics? what are you talking about lol
There’s a reason they weren’t included before, after the event or whatever, they are unobtainable. There’s no reason to count them as total unless the person has them.
Pokemon does the same thing, event pokemon aren’t needed to complete the pokedex. To have unobtainable items included in the total (when you don’t have them) is pretty dumb.
i have unobtainable items in my gallery
I really don’t care nor do i see a problem with it.
I may not get all the pretty dresses for my dolls. oh well.
Except WoW is a terrible game that no one would want to buy.
You can still get it though
Just because you don’t care doesn’t mean others feel the same. I personally think that this is really obnoxious, and apparently so do a lot of other people.
Also, why was this added now? What’s the point if it was fine before?
what about those who have them and want an actual count of their cosmetic gallery?
Then it would raise the count accordingly? Again pokemon does this too it’s not that hard
You could play WoW, eventually, and get them.
can you show me the proper step in rewriting the coding of the game that would accomplish this result. I mean its not that hard right
It wasnt a bug instead it was information decieving its customers a represantative already shown that they goofed up misguiding people. Can't buy Lucio's legendary emote