Remove Moira from FFA

Then remove Roadhog from FFA because he’s OP in there, oh, and McCree.

I don’t think they kill him fast enough.

McCree is the real FFA menace

Remove both of them and Hammond too. Done?

The sounds of a real FFA:

“Whoa there!”
“Now, hold on.”
“Huh ho, excuse me.”
“No running.” (Lifeguard)

She’s actually great for aim practice because you kind of have a semi-fixed time limit against her. I used to have quite a bit of problem with her, but after working on my aim, I can consistently kill her with just raw aim while she right clicks me.

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Moira might be obnoxious, and she might usually place top 4, but there’s no way she’s beating a decent McCree, Genji, or Tracer for first place.

I have yet to see a Moira not place near dead last in FFA… on the rare occasion I actually see them in that mode. Tons of assists, very few elims.