Remove McCree - Seriously

Seriously, McCree should be removed. The way the game is now with power creep, he is useless in any matchup. His only strength are his flashbangs, which don’t work half the time anyway. Beyond that, he’s got nothing. Mediocre damage, no mobility, no passives, a useless roll that doesn’t even get him far or give him i-frames (unlike every single other hero with a similar ability) and a useless rapid-fire that most higher-tier players never use, an ult that’s such a joke to the point said higher-tier players only use it for a free reload, extremely short damage falloff, very limited ammo, and the largest human-sized hitbox of any DPS.

Every other DPS does what he does better. He can’t reliably shut down Genji because he can deflect his flashbang. He can’t reliably shut down Tracer because she can blink away from his flashbang. These are the only two heroes he’s said to counter and other heroes do the job better, especially with the introduction of Brigitte.

“But McCree’s been buffed!” you say. Yeah, very tiny buffs. A fire rate buff that most McCree players testify has glitched out his aim and screwed up hit registration due to the way the game handles recoil. A fan buff that got instantly undone. A minor cooldown buff to a useless skill. More Dead Eye shield damage for the 5 players who ever use it for shooting. That’s it.

The way it stands McCree will never be a viable pick in the meta. Power creep has killed him. The hilariously overbuffed Hanzo does everything he can do but better. Widowmaker can do everything he can do but better. Ashe can do everything he can do but better. McCree’s only standout ability is his grenade, which is on a very large cooldown, barely has any radius, and only stuns players for roughly a single second. Cool. Mei has an AOE ability that “stuns” players almost instantly for an extended period of time, called her Primary Fire.

It all boils down to this: either other DPS heroes need toned down to where every game in Platinum and above isn’t just Hanzo-Genji-Widowmaker for the DPS lineup, or McCree needs brought up to their level. I used to think Soldier was the bottom-tier DPS, but his substantial buffs have made him considerably more useful (though still not as good as G-H-W), but it’s pretty obvious that it’s McCree. He does nothing no one else can’t do, and everyone else can do a better job of what he’s designed to do. If the gunslinging cowboy is never going to get any love or ever be viable ever again in any situation aside from the launch window in 2016, he might as well be removed.


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You done?


Yes. characterscharac

I see no reason to remove someone who people have fun playing

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I think he should duel-wield his peacekeeper and have 69 flash-bangs. Finally, after every time he rolls he says “after you” and you die instantly. All of this in place of high-noon.

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he’s better than ashe and soldier

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I suggest giving him this beast of a gun instead


If they remove Mcree I’ll game-end myself

McCree is the 4th most popular DPS in high tier ladder right now so most of the time when a McCree doesn’t perform at least decently it’s due to a bad map together with a bad matchup (for example Ilios: Ruins against a Widow) or just because the McCree player isn’t good. I was really skeptic about the primary fire speed buff since it seemed too strong in the PTR but when they took 20% off the buff when it hit live I think they kind of hit a sweet spot with it where it gave McCree a lot of more viability and consistent damage over the time of a match without breaking the game as much as an Ashe dinking heads while being damage boosted by a Mercy. The amount of times I’ve been 2 tapped has increased quite much after the patch

All in all I think that McCree right now is one of the most balanced heroes out there considering his kit and it’s high skill ceiling (realistic potential) relative to his average statistics in high tier gameplay

Nothing to see here people, just move on :slight_smile:

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Don’t play McCree if you don’t like him.

Maybe you are just bad with mcree?

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His mobility is still his weak spot, but I love the new McCree.

Of course by design. I he had mobility like Genji tied to his kit he’d be broken

Umm…what? 10th picked in GM and 9th picked overall because he’s…useless?

You are a legend! But last word is better.