Remove "Leave Game" option from competitive menu

I’ve had over 10 leavers in the past two days, and my rating is tanking yet again because of it.

Blizzard needs to remove the option to leave a competitive match in OW so that people will need to force quit the game in order to leave. Sure, the diehard leavers that need to be banned anyway will force close the game, or hopefully even smash their PCs. There is absolutely no reason to give people the option to leave the game in competitive.

Is it an emergency where you need to leave the computer? You can force close the game. Is it a DC? Then the game is still open, and you can log back in and rejoin.

This absolutely will not stop leavers from being a thing, but I’d wager there will be at least 5% less, to be conservative, and probably more. And if we can prevent even another 5% of leavers from ruining competitive without impacting other players, it’s something we should do.


I’d agree with this, it’s dumb to have the option even there.
I mean people would still ALT+F4 or whatever but maybe not as many

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Their argument is that they would make the experience worst if they couldn’t leave (e.g. Mei walling you off in spawn)

if someone leaves a game they should be put into a queue with other leavers and they stay in this special queue for one week (resets exactly 7 days later)


So what?

You leaving is just as bad as that mei trolling. Leavers are trolls too.

The leave button shouldnt be there in comp.

I agree w/ you. But at least after that person leaves, you can leave after that 2 minute timer. Otherwise, you have to sit through and play the ENTIRE match. Which is WAY worse

They tried this for a while. It wouldn’t let you leave the game. Of course you could still exit the Overwatch app.

ALT f4, Task manager. Keep those restrictions on console not on pc.

People will still alt f4

Remove internet cable

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i can press alt+f4 and this conversation is pointless.

There’s an easy solution to leavers in Competitive that already exists in other game modes - backfill.

Blizzard need to implement this ASAP!

here is a fact that might interest you: 100% of those players who use that option are actual leavers.

I honestly just think the game should just end with the leaver still being punished. it’s really not fair that I get points taken away because people leave. The game shouldn’t count towards anything because now the other team has a handicap.

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Ideally, I’d love to see something like this, but I can see it being abused.

Imagine that one of the players (we’ll call him Forgath) is stinking up the place with his really bad gameplay. Maybe he’s having an off game or maybe he just isn’t a skilled player. Forgath’s other teammates start to get toxic toward him as they’re realizing that they’re losing because of him. Suddenly, Forgath has a bunch of players yelling at him, insulting him or guilt tripping him in an effort to force him to leave. They feel Forgath should sacrifice himself and take that penalty so that that the rest of the team won’t lose SR for the loss.

I can imagine scenarios like that becoming common and increasing toxicity. But I would love to see some sort of change in how Blizzard handles leavers.

This already kind of happens. Toxic players won’t ever change. He can just mute them all. That’s what I do when I run into toxic groups.

Yeah sure you can alt f4 for computers or close the game through the console menu, but the shear fact that the leave button is there in the first place…

It might not stop a lot of pc users from leaving, but I think it would deter a lot of console people from leaving.