Remove Ball from the game

Ball was only created because devs felt like they COULD, it was just cool to create him, nothing more. It’s the most stupid hero in the game.


I think he’s neat. He’s very unique, especially when it comes to the traditional idea of what a “tank” is. He’s not blocking damage or directly defending teammates but he still has huge potential to dictate the terms of engagement for both sides. He’s a disrupter and has a very high skill floor. I like it.


So your argument for deleting a character is that the devs wanted to make him?


Remove Wrecking Ball, replace him with Hammond.


i actually agree to this hes one of those stupid type meme characters that caters to anyone that wants to go super fast, be unkillable and annoying… basically little kids and people who act like little kids.

i relate it too kids that want to have super speed in Among Us … faster than 1.50 is too fast


weird post considering the award for stupidest tank design in the game goes to sigma

ball actually brought something new to the tank table besides “press button for barrier”


I love Hammond, he’s a great hero. I think mines should last shorter though.

Thanks. I hate it

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At least say why you don’t like him. Saying “tHe dEVs oNlY mAdE hiM bEcaUSe tHeY cOuLd”, isn’t an argument, and doesn’t allow for discussion, oh and


I love enemy ball players since they just feed me so much :slight_smile:

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I don’t like that he one shots Zen

Says the Doomfist player.

Bad bait
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Bruh i love playing against ball as brig. :smiley: