Reminder, Winston has never been nerfed

what is your point?

you want winston nerfed?

lol no.

Because he’s balanced?
He’s by far the most balanced hero in the game, at least in my eyes.

Winston and Hammond do make a good team though. Hammond might actually be his single best partner in the game (yes I think its better than Both can individually cause so much havoc and pairing them together is strong. And don’t have to commit as hard as the other dive comp combos.

Sadly though the dps that are popular are ones that hate on both of them alot. Mei especially they are not a fan of.

hold up im pretty sure winston has a pretty big HS HB. i’ve heard people and devs talk about it before.

Im actually finding Winston to be a great counter to Sig. He can’t protect himself at all from Winstons weapon and Sig has fairly low hp. Theres also no way for him to get out of team fights either. So Winston is the only one to decided how long the fight lasts.

I was talking about Hammond.

Pharah does not tear Orisa to pieces. Orisa can replace her shield at basically the same exact rate that Pharah can destroy it, meaning that Orisa gets free shots at Pharah without even needing to use fortify

D.Va is still one of the strongest heroes in the game along with Mercy.

Anyone who thinks otherwise cant adapt and want them to be must picks.

Both are extremely easy heroes to pick up and play with insanely strong cooldowns, one of which hasnt been nerfed enough (Defense Matrix) and the other forcing the rest of her kit to be nerfed including her main job in order to be balanced (Resurrect).

Correction: and Mercy are in roles that have far more limited competion than dps do so therefore they get picked more and people go out of there way to ignore this to portray them as strong and argue for even more nerfs. Orissa and her other main tanks (Rein/Winston and even hammond) ( well I guess Hammond and Winston are good together but Orissa/Rein, Orissa/Winston, Winston/ Rein, Hammond/Orissa not so much) still don’t have great synergy together. So thus you have to turn to one of Zarya, and hog one of them has zero defense what so ever (hog) to go with your main tank. Sigma certainly is a step in the right direction to fixing this problem but it is no where close to being solved the number of competition in the tank department is still an area that needs drastic improvement that Sigma alone or even hero 32 alone won’t fix .

Roles matter alot for why heroes get picked.


Winstonwas nerfed multiple times if memory serves, you probably just weren’t playing in the beta tho’.

His barrier got nerfed from 1000 to 600 in beta
That was the only nerf I believe.

Winston is better at getting continuous damage on many heroes at once

oh my bad. sorry I didnt see a reply icon/name and the notifications looked like you were replying to me

he does when he shoots tho but yah not when rolling

His barrier was nerfed ages ago during season 1 due to stacking six winstons.

Ehhhh, not much of a trade-off. It’s not a lot of damage, and if he’s up close to multiple heroes at once and not being blown up, they’re playing poorly. Hammond might do mostly single-target stuff, but considering he can target the backline DPS/healers much more safely, it’s a worthy trade.

I don’t think the problem is Winston’s strength. I think he’s designed well and he performed well for a long time but damage output from everyone else feels like it’s at such a high that it’s made playing Winston nearly impossible. I’d rather overall damage was toned down than any changes were made to Winston.

It’s because no one knows how to play him, or how to play around him on their team.

Plus he barely gets picked, seeing him used in Comp is rare.

Even though there is less competition, the fact is, that it isnt balanced, if they were all picked approximately equally among those choices, fine, but that isnt the case at all, those 2 in the past and to a lesser extent (thank god) now still get picked waaaay more often than the rest and both are extremely powerful.

And Mercy and D.Va are good on their own and synergize with any composition. They may do better in some over others but the fact is they are not like some heroes you have to play around, they can do well in any situation, but they do that too well.

I agree, but while I dont think that Mercy needs nerfs at this point, in fact if you want an extensive look into my thoughts on here you can see this post I made;

That’s because Winston has always needed a buff. :wink:

IDK whats exactly the point of this thread?
Theres no suggestion about Winston to buff, change or nerf dude. Please structure a thread properly so theres something we can discuss.

You just dropped “things” there.