in an environment where supposedly they are only picked when they’re worth it as well as the fact that she’s pretty much played in 1 comp, you can’t possibly deny that sym’s case isn’t the “niche so narrow that they need an impossible amount of power to be balanced” case.
Is this reason to call the rework a failure? not if you’re wanting to blame the design because very evidently when you look into her kit numbers and compare them with other heroes’, her numbers are .
like the only reason she has this “niche” is because she lacks sufficient uptime tools for herself. namely, her orbs (staple weapon fire) are legit one of the worse projectile fires in the game, and her tp got neutered hard despite her having lower effective range, low burst and low sustain amongst the cast.
I wouldn’t call it rushing given how long we had sym3.0. but rather complete incompetence to put decent numbers on her as blatantly shown by orb’s numbering (sniper tier low firerate that encourages aim, but they’re so slow that not even their projectile size can compensate how little aim matters in most ranges).