Remember when you can earn 3 epic skins on events?

Oh the limited time event things.

I don’t know man, there was a constant flux of new account smurfs in my games that sounds like a sustainable model to me.

If they really wanted more money just adding the skin shop to OW1 would have worked a treat. Keep the trickle of seasonal skins obtainable with the in game challenges and coins and everyone would have gotten what they wanted.

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Rest in peace :disappointed:


You’re gonna make me cry…
Never missed those challenges ONCE :cry:

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The classification of skins is just stupid anyhow. There are epic skins that look like garbage and normal ones that are ok. In the end it is just Blizzard’s decision which of those they want to sell for more money.

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It is when there are diverse sources of income for the brand.

If only Blizzard would have supported grassroots tournaments and not lost millions on OWL…


moved onto a diff game prob

But for the millions they lost on OWL, they made hundreds of thousands of dollars on OWL sponsors.

That’s almost worth it!

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Lunar new year was always a favorite of mine, and I always saved up for the skins.

The fact that any of these events aren’t highlighting the PvE engine (more than using regurgitated mechanics like the Halloween Sigma) and that they are selling Overwatch 1 assets after discontinuing the game, and providing nothing to look forward to is like…replacing a TV show with an infomercial starring the TV show’s cast, to sell downloads of…the TV show and calling it a spinoff.

Literally…Saul Goodman had more integrity than this staff. Better call Saul was an actual prequel/sequel.

remember when events had 3 epic skins?

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It was making half a billion a year DURING the content drought. They did this themselves simply to increase profits, none of which will be seen in game


while the price hasn’t been confirmed, I’d agree with you that it will be asinine, especially since it was announced it would basically be a seasonal model instead of dropping the entire campaign at one time.
gamerant .com/overwatch-2-pve-coming-2023-released-seasonal-content/
dexerto .com/overwatch/overwatch-2s-pve-content-launch-gradually-2023-seasonal-model-1849033/

Only by the people who somehow didn’t throw up whenever seeing double shield. In the wider gaming world, OW was dead. Viewership was non existent, nobody outside the community ever talked about it, there was no news whatsoever. Everyone can say the “well people liked it more before” and ignore the fact that the only people still playing OW1 in 2022 were people who got so addicted that they couldn’t let go. Now they’re crying because they have to adjust to a new style. Horrifying, I know.

That was a lot of people, BTW. I could play Quick Play and almost never see double shields. And when I did, I could go Sombra, EMP them, and (because we’re all garbage QPers), they had a really hard time setting back up so we’d take the point.

And that’s bad, but there’s something to be said about still having a fanbase. Things are looking grim, but a steady player base still means something, and in that case there’s no where to go but up. Unless you dramatically overhaul the game, or create a hero shooter and try to balance it like some shooter that demands high mechanical skill. That’d be silly! Who’d do that?


I don’t know about you, but I played casually. I will admit I’m a unique case that’d actually play games to study them AND I’ll admit that we’re probably looking at things with rose tinted glasses, but there are some objective things that we can point to and see how OW1 was better received than OW2.

Here’s my favorite one: overall word of mouth.

For OW1, you heard the typical “Game is dead” talk, but googling it didn’t give you mountains and mountains of bad press. You could google “Overwatch” as still see people enjoying the game while complaining about double shields specifically. Complaining about the balance of specific characters, and what not.

For OW2, people are complaining about overall content. People are voicing that they’re not happy with the game as a whole. What shocked me the most was googling Overwatch 2 and seeing nothing but bad press! Even the streamers don’t seem to like it; they’re complaining about comp and what not.

I just watched Frogger stream, and he sat in a queue for an hour and thirty minutes before he got into a Capture the Flag match. This is a problem.

So, even with my rose glasses off, I do think OW1 was received WAY better even at the end of its life. I have more reasons, but I’m tired of typing about it.

So… literally just mvm but Overwatch?

100%, it is. Its also Black ops Zombies and that Modern Warfare mode where you shoot goons in a level. I think when you’re failing this hard, its time to go back to basics and invent a new mode from the bones of something that we know worked.

Now that I think of it, an Overwatch version of MVM would probably be really profitable, especially if they do something like TF2’s MVM drops, making something like Aussie weapons as the top tier reward. I bet people would be willing to try and get those for a lot of money, and that’s what Blizz wants, isn’t it?

I know i would. I remember playing MVM just for an item at the end of a tour, and when I didn’t get what I wanted, I literally gave it away and tried again. That literally demonstrates that I have no issue with spending money on that mode.

Also, I think MVM would still be popular if it got new maps and modes. I hear talk that the only reason its not played is because of the lack of support. Fancy that.

They made over a billion dollars in sales in the first year alone.

Billion…with a b.


That does not count followup lootbox, OWL league token, or other sales.

…have people still not realized OW2 wasn’t made for OW1 players…? :thinking: