Remember when Mercy's healing was nerfed?

This thread wasn’t about forcing 2-2-2 so I didn’t need to specify anything. If you wanted to know more on my stance about forced 2-2-2, you could have simply asked (I don’t support a forced 2-2-2 btw, I’m against it) ! :slight_smile:

By “forced” I meant “encouraged” since people’s goal on Overwatch (especially in competitive) is to win the game. So yes, by nerfing Mercy’s healing from 60 HPS to 50 HPS, some people that previously found it “okay” to have a solo Mercy to win a game back at the time, now “feels a little forced” to pick a second healer, even though they are still free not to do so.

But again, those people want to win by all means (unless they troll, throw or play on a chill smurf account) so they’re now aware that not even Mercy can solo carry the healing (like she used to) when there are two healers in the enemy team.

It’s still possible to win without a healer or with just one winner but it takes even more teamplay and tanks and DPS to carry (and the solo healer must have a perfect survival).

Just my opinion though, right ^^ !

That being the case, i think it is best one uses the word one means and not a word one does not mean

Well I guess our experience is different or maybe it’s just a coincidence that I’m solo-healing less and less since Mercy’s healing got nerfed.

Good to know the level is still good in mid-master (I’m back to competitive from a one-year break and my rank decreased a bit but I’m two games away from being Master again and I hope I can climb back to 3k7-3k8 soon).

I also wouldn’t mind the 55 HPS like I said previously but I want it to be “earned” or linked to some kind of mechanics (by using GA for instance, or when landing next to a teammate after GA).

Mercy’s healing nerfed was pushed live to make the other healers shine (and this is not my opinion, it was said by a dev on this very forum). My opinion is that it made sense since Mercy was one of the strongest healers when it came to solo-healing (it’s arguable but we can all agree that her healing is very reliable).

That’s why I think nerfing Mercy’s healing may have helped to motivate people to take a second healer. At least, that’s how it reads in my competitive games. No need to beg people to have a second healer when there’s a lack of healing in my games and that’s a good thing in my opinion.

If the team is strong enough to go with 1 (or zero) healers or tanks and win, then it’s all perfect. No need to ask for anything.

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What time are you talking about here, right before she got 50 hps?

Because I certainly remember Mercy being completely broken for 5 or so seasons.


One can make mistakes, one is only answering to a thread on a forum (not writing an essay). One can also ask for clarification or ask themselves if one is writing in their mother tongue or not :slight_smile: !

P.S. If you acting this way is some kind of retalation after what I told you about harrassing someone you don’t like on a forum (yesterday), then it’s pretty lame, to say the least but again just as I told you that specific day, it’s your choice.



  1. I feel no need for retaliation against any forum member for any reason.
  2. I have not harassed any member of this forum
  3. I do not dislike any member of this forum

That aside, I stand by what I stated: one should say what one means, and apology or not the readers of this thread now understand what was meant, and now we (should) move on

Allow me to have my doubts but again your choice whether you do or not.

In certain languages, the term “forced” is pretty close to what “encouraged” means in English. It was my mistake but no need to make a big deal out of it. When one didn’t understand what the interlocutor meant, there’s also the possibility to ask politely to clarify things (not that my opinion really mattered that much to ask for such a thing (and again it’s not an essay) but yeah, why not.


Oh yes they were. She was still a must pick at the time. People might not have been asking for her healing to be what got nerfed, but ppl def wanted nerfs when she was in her 11th month of must pick status.

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I mean, all ana got was nano healing. If they took that away she would still be a solid pick. Its not that ana was weak when mercy was a must pick, it was that mercy was so broken that there was no reason to pick ana. Just like lucio, b4 the rework he was the meta support with zen, mercy got her rework and lucio became a bad pick only because he was competing for a slot with mercy, and she was so much better.

Not saying if 10hps was the right nerf, or it should have been another part of her kit, but that was the nerf that finally knocked her off of being the best support hands down. And here we are, where she is still a good choice but not the only choice.

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I agree about the Mercy part, but Ana was a bit underpowred with only 10 shots and nano without extra healing. If she was like that today, my bet the current Mercy would be a better pick even at GM.

Maybe I should have specified that at the time ana was still good until the mercy rework happened, so end of season 5 early season 6 days. It was during dive, where ana wasnt 1 of the 2 meta healers but still did well. Agreed many other heroes including supports have been buffed quite a bit in the past 1.5 years + from the time I was speaking about so her state then wouldnt be quite as good now. In the same way lucio was great till mercy came along, but if you were to remove his buffed ult shields and radius now, it would hurt him a lot. But at that time, he was still 1 of the best 2 supports.

We are all welcome to doubt what we deem fit to doubt, such as the ulterior motives of those who engage in activities like: forum raids, asserting the existence of non-existent movements\groups, boycotts against a game while actively playing said game and using the forum in said game and using imagery from said game and and publishing metube videos featuring said game for money, and other stuff like that

but as you say, we move on…

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Ana and Rein somewhat solidify each other and I feel mercy does that for winston.

The problem is that blizzard is making it so that mercy healing a rein isn’t mathematically enough to go against an ana healing a their rein.

Everybody should be able to pick a group of dps healers and tanks without having to do specific hero comps, but it feels like that is the direction of the game.

She was mostly niche pick during dive meta pre rework mercy.
With low winrate on ladder and decent ~ low pickrate in pro play(25% compare to 96 of Lucio and 57% of Zen).

She wasn’t balanced. Not a lot of people said she was. She was a must-pick and she outshined every other healer. Most people communicated this.


Like I said, wasnt one of the 2 meta supports. Plus I dont recall a low win rate from ana during early dive, s4 and s5. Dont think she had a great win rate either but she was still fairly common to see in gm instead of zen. Can you link me those stats, im curious. Ladder stats I mean, pro play I recall her being less common.

I just want to say the original post in this thread was just confusing and hard to read…

mercy was op for like 2 years practically

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where have you been for the past 2 years???

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After some digging i found a source for what I’ve remembered.

Even at GM, she had absolutely low winrate compare to all other heroes, but with a decent pickrate. At “all ranks” she had negative winrate.

The first picture took from this reddit post, It was right before the Mercy rework.
But the image itself is only shown in the google search results, i can’t find it on the post.