Remember when Mercy's healing was nerfed?

I am teaching him robot spells… soon he will be RobotSquidWizard, and our numbers will grow…

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I may have to rethink my stance on omnic rights


Uhh, just cause you were living under a rock doesn’t mean people weren’t complaining. She was still absolutely must pick status before that nerf and other support buffs. After that she was balanced.

Please don’t revise history.


Sorry I haven’t really been replying, but the only reason I want Mercy healing buffs is for tanks! I would be fine if they just buffed her healing for tanks and that is all. I think she goes great with dps, but not so much with tanks healing wise.


Have you taken a look at Critical Care?

Mercy’s nerf to 50 HPS is only a problem when it comes to healing tanks with very low HP (you have to sacrifice one of them - choose wisely).

It’s also a nerf to hard-pocketing a DPS which in my opinion is a good thing (easier to counter a Mercy pocketing a Pharah, Genji or whatever DPS that carries the game). Mercy is still efficient when pocketing 200-250 HPS heroes though.

Mercy’s healing nerf also forces the team to pick two healers so I don’t think this nerf was made to annoy Mercy mains in particular. Mercy was very strong as a solo healer so my guess it’s that they wanted healers to play together more.

For instance, when Ana uses her grenade on 2-3 teammates that are low HP, Mercy can quickly heal them up, one by one (or at the same time with Valkyrie).

I like it when support players unite and have some team play to be honest.

However, just as I said in another thread yesterday, I wouldn’t mind Mercy getting some burst healing when using GA and landing close to the healing target. It could be useful and add a little something to Mercy’s gameplay.

Even without this, I feel like Mercy is ok (at least to me). Ever since she got her healing nerfed, I’ve hardly ever solo-healed in competitive so I guess Blizzard managed to force two healers without going through the 2-2-2 people are asking for.

Well done I guess :slight_smile: !


Till the very last nerf(the 50hps) she was the top of the top, the absolute top healer for all ranks and level of play, and it was for a long time, almost a year.

So yeah it was justify, and the fact that it took only small buff to her ult to make her viable+ and sometime even optimal, at all ranks.


I really like multiple changes on there, including critical care! At this point though, I’m done posting about Mercy, is obvious now the devs and the majority of the community don’t want Mercy changes. Maybe I’m wrong for wanting changes, or they are, but that does not matter. Maybe I’m just trying to make Mercy into a character she is not.


I like the changes dodo makes as well, I don’t think we will ever see them in prod though

Which is a shame.

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Factually, no one is forced to pick any character or any role

I’ve played as solo healer as Mercy many, many times

I’ve also played on teams with no healers, and teams with all healers


I also think it would be fine if they nerfed Mercy’s healing for dps/supports to 40 per second, and buffed her healing on tanks to 60 per second

Yeah majority of the community and the devs don’t want to buff mercy in any way even if its a small one lol. I actually really like dodo’s ideas but sadly I doubt anyone would support it.

I meant in competitive. No one is forced to pick two healers, I agree but nerfing Mercy’s healing definitely encourages people to at least have two healers and increase their chance of winning the match.

There are matches in competitive you can win without tanks or healers but it’s quite hard. I’m not advocating for a forced 2-2-2 though, if people want to play random picks and make their team lose, gotta deal with it (basically accept it).

From experience, as a current Diamond-low Master player, I’ve almost never solo-healed ever since Mercy went from 60 HPS to 50 HPS. Prior to that, I was able to carry some games as a solo healer (if I managed to play safe and survive and if my team protected me from a hard focus).

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sadly, some mercys would use this as an excuse to only heal tanks

The “bad Mercy’s” would be the only ones who did that in my opinion. If you only healed tanks damage boost would go to waste mostly, and if you had a second support they wouldn’t get as much ult charge, which there ult is likely to be better in most situations.

Doesnt change anything in what i said, though in such cases it is best imo to specify such an important distinction in the original statement

The statement I replied to indicated (gist, not a quote) that this forced the pick of a second healer

Is the worst experience to ever have to heal.

I still like Mercy the most, but I’m a support one trick, not a Mercy one trick. I like needing to use a different main/off healer based on what teammates I have or what the enemy is using.

I really do feel like when Mercy had 60hps that she overshadowed Ana and Moira as a main healer due to reliability.

Ultimately, I’m against the default buff of 60hps or even 55hps for Mercy, but I am 100% for something being done that allows Mercy to earn 60hps.

Literally everyone was saying this…

Yes, they did. I saw at least 5 threads about it per day. People’s logic was that it was the only healing through shields, auto aim, no reload, and something needed to give.


Mercy’s healing doesn’t force anyone to pick 2 healers. I end up solo healing a lot and im in mid-masters lol. I constantly get told that i’m throwing for just picking mercy bc of her lower heals. I agree with wanting other healers to be able to play together with mercy more. Which is why I think 55hps would be a good buff to her. Or just make it where she can slowly build up her heals more tbh


before her healing was nerfed we had the moth meta, so yes, a lot of people were complaining about her, her healing nerf was more than warranted at that point