Remember these? Only true overwatch players will

Op you have no idea how much I miss Torb packs and shield gen :sob:

I understand why theyre gone, but man were they fun.

Jeff i just want to show you the possibilities sym support / healer could have been.

This post has all my concept reworks for her.
I hope you at least take a glance at them all. Its all i ask.

I don’t expect anything, but i hope it inspires you and the team for her next rework or other supports.

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Heres a throwback when Bastion was unkillable for a week


Similar as in I say:

Mei should have 100 ammo, but right clicks cost 10 ammo.

And they do:

Mei has 120 ammo, but right clicks cost 10 ammo.

Like I said, spout out tons of changes and you’re bound to guess one correctly. Keep thinking your thoughts and opinions are superior and that the devs follow your every whim. Whatever floats your boat. “F” to pay respects to the faith I used to have in your posts.


Frankly that looks more balanced and fun than today’s OW.

I think Classic Overwatch as Arcade Mode would be a huge success. It should not be launch patch, but rather something after Hook 1.0 and Sym 1.0 but before Mercy 2.0 and D.Va 2.0. I’d vote for Patch 1.6. Perhaps without Ana and Sombra, for the real “Classic” Feeling.

I really miss old sym 1.0 and 2.0, can we add them back into the game like the workshop or arcade??


Maybe even mass Rez mercy in workshop or arcade too? Like overwatch classic card?


Then Blizzard said nope gotta take it away like everything else

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Jeff can you please remove 1 second cooldown on sigma barrier thank you. :slight_smile:

Exaclly what this game are. Just a reminder of good times! Now left for dying hard and in shadow for Valorant. Even ow2 will be the same as OW in the end, cus blizzard never listen to the gamers…

Haha. Old School. Like back in the days before Symmetra had a victory pose with her gun.

Oh wait.

Mickey Mouse as hero 33 i see

sure they nerfed players… :'D

Jeff, what’s up with Blizzard’s view on smurfing? I was playing in middle diamond and we went up against 3 players all with bunny in their name that must have been playing together. All new accounts, hadn’t placed yet and the tracer solo our entire team. We all said well this game isn’t fun, and we left. Do you think this is right?

Wasn’t there before the edit. :slight_smile:

Your just seeing his true colors now. His always been like this.

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Which makes you wonder, if buying OW2 is worth it.

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Wasn’t the Bastion shield only in beta and was removed before release? I’ve been playing since release and that’s what I remember.