Remember "#ReworkMercy?"

I agree, but my last 2 years of League were on enchanters.The levels of toxicity I got from playing them is what drove me to quit. I played the game for a total of 6.

Because I started playing enchanters, suddenly people asserted all these things onto me and started being waaaay more toxic. Despite me playing other champions and despite being the same rank on them.

It’s very similar with Mercy, but nowhere near as bad… Yet. A lot of these outright hateful attitudes are getting worse again online.


No shot.

My approach has been consistent. Mercy is the one hero on the roster that is able to maintain a safe playstyle and requires no engagement of the enemy in order to provide optimal value. This alone creates a large imbalance and one of many skill checks she is able to just ignore. Every other support has significantly more asked of them in order to provide value. Effective damage is the most difficult part of playing a support well.

Make all the straw men you want, but my goal posts are staying where they are.


The hilarious thing is that then the argument becomes “well, Mercy basically just enables whatever is most overpowered at any given time, and is only good when hitscans are OP”

You mean… just like Lucio? Like, literally exactly like Lucio? The hero who is only good when brawl tanks are good.

Oh, and like Brig! The hero is good when there’s an OP support to protect.

Oh wait… and like Ana… who’s good whenever there’s a tank who utilizes tons of healing really well…

Oh and like-

It’s almost as if supports job is to enable their allies, and generally supports are going to enable the strongest ally at any given time.

They also don’t respect me if I introduce myself as a Mercy player (which I am). Most of my time is on her, anyways.

I’m not a Mercy OTP, but simply being associated with Mercy to any capacity removes me from a discussion. I’ve had people go to my profile after I say I’m a high elo support player, they see Mercy, and they go “doesn’t count, next”. Even if I point out that I was literally one of FOUR people to play Brig at a T500 level, and the ONLY one to primarily use Brig to climb to GM (>90% of my time on her) they still simply do not take me seriously. I do the same with any other hero and it simply doesn’t matter. Once I’ve associated myself with Mercy, I’m out the door and across the street.

I don’t think you understand Mercy very well.

Getting attention and playing within enemy sightlines is one of the main ways that Mercy gets value in the first place. You don’t understand that so instead you choose to simply ignore it.


I don’t blame you in the slightest. I used to play daily starting back in like, 2012? Stopped in 2020 and only play occasionally. Played a mix of mostly top, jungle, and support. Little bit of mid if I was feeling spicy.

The amount of times I was told to drink bleach because I wasn’t there for an early gank or because something didn’t go well in one team fight when we were still massively in the lead is too high to count. My worst experience in any competitive game was in LoL back in like, s5 or s6 I don’t really remember. I grinded for months to get into diamond and finally hit D5 that season (wasn’t good enough to even stay, was eventually demoted). The amount of times I would hit a promo series, only for someone to look up everyone’s rating and see I was in my promos and decide to throw to keep me or someone else out of diamond was insane.

Just. No. That killed my interest in ranked for that game. It was truly horrible.

Edit: To be clear, this isn’t me saying they were throwing because they had a bad game or something. I had people who would deliberately troll or just leave the game because they wanted their own team to lose.


No. The Mercy players wanted the rework removed. They wanted mass-rez back. Mass-rez was not OP (at least in high ranks) btw - Mercy being bad at high ranks was one of the reasons why they reworked her.

Hence the whole #ReworkMercy thing.


Paladins. Just play paladins and leave the DPS mains to the game they asked for.

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Mercy wasn’t bad in high ranks during 1.0… She wasn’t meta, but she certainly wasn’t BAD.

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At the time she was reworked, she was considered to be bad. She had near-0 playtime at a high-ranked/pro level in favour of the other Supports. You have to consider the metas around that time had been the super Ana-centric triple-tank meta and the Lucio/Zen Dive meta.

The main problem with Mercy was that the SR system was bugged so that you could abuse Resurrect by farming 5-man Resurrections so that it became super-easy to climb but you ended up being completely useless to your team in the process - as long as you could pull off a few 5-man Resurrections per game, you would gain more SR from a win than you would lose from a defeat. You team just had to take some fights 5v6 and all die at once. A clear exploit.

But that wasn’t a balance issue, it was a SR calculation problem.

Mercy needed an LOS check on Ressurect and a fix to the SR system at most. The rest was just pandering to the streamer crowd. The Mercy community was understandably upset by the rework, in the same way the Genji community would be if Dragonblade was removed.


She had the same playrate she had in season 1 of ow2.

(Just putting it in perspective for newer players)

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Well, yeah?

Is this not a problem? You’re highlighting a problem, right?

I don’t think so. I think this is a misreading of the scenario: people think Mercy damage boosting Sojourn is a problem while only occasionally gesturing to Sojourn being the problem. And when people do, they say something like “therefore, we should nerf both of them because Sojourn is OP and mercy holds her blue beam on her”.

It just seems like a critical misunderstanding of the situation.

Why? Characters are supposed to be unique. While other characters have to push the enemy, Mercy has poor fighting capabilities, but the upside of never having to engage the enemy. Back in my day, we celebrated heroes for being unique like this.

But now we have people like you unironically saying “This character is unique. Fix that. She shouldn’t be unique.”.

First of all, you have to realize each and every character in the game have a different amount of things asked of them. You can make your boring AK47 Mercy if you like, and she’d still have less asked of her when compared to some characters, and more asked when compared to others. Your suggestions only serves to take a unique aspect of Overwatch, and literally ruin it because you don’t understand it.

Oh, I was mocking you when I said you’d move goal posts. Instead I expected the response to be the same old tired “But all the other supports are generic, so lets make Mercy generic, too!”.

Easily, the worst thing that ever happened to Overwatch is the fanbase it got.


It’s genuinely like you ignored the entire thread and decided to post this anyways lmao.

You do not get to decide the conditions in earning respect.


Yeah, I know that’s what you mean. Inting is an insane issue in League.

I always was overly nice to try to defuse situations before it happened because most of the time they were caused by ego wars.

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I’m not sure “I’m not a Mercy OTP I play Brig too” is a great defense. They’re two heroes that don’t tend to get a lot of respect.

These things are what they are. I did not make them this way; I am not saying you are a bad player. I am saying you’re not making a great case for yourself

Lucio and Zen will get you respect but you choose to discuss the heroes that people universally don’t have much for


I do understand the value of distracting, disrupting and evading enemies. Which is why it’s not balanced that Mercy be the most evasive hero on the roster for the price of 2 buttons on a 2 second CD.

No one can land consistent damage on her, it’s part of the reason people are sick of her.

Paladins has the built in anti-heal mechanic and suffered years of up to 90% no healing cauterize.
Paladins is the last game I ever want to play again as tank or support when a whole mechanic is just removed from the game out right.

Because they’re the ones that I like the most.

And honestly when it comes down to it Lucio is like, what people make mercy out to be in terms of how easy he is but no one is ready for that conversation yet…

Okay so you completely 180’d your point.

the bar has been raised.



Some people still dismiss me even after I bring up I used to be much higher SR on Widow than I was a Mercy main.

Just the fact I played Mercy was enough for some people.


I wouldn’t put that on mercyaons if anything they just learnt they could getaway with murder and no explanation and used it for 4 years until they had to sell the new shop update.

Overwatch community in general even this forums is docile compared to other game forums and criticism.

Lucio is definitely the harder hero of the two, IMO. But I also just don’t enjoy him as much, if I want to play a harder hero I like zen a lot, personally.

Because engaging with the enemy is a large skill check that is hard to have an analog for with a 100% passive hero.

She doesn’t need to be fixed because she is unique. She needs to be fixed because she is playing a different game than the rest of the support and this is supposedly a “competitive” game.

Why do you think you need to make this point?

It doesn’t matter, you’re trying to obfuscate the issue. They all must engage, they all must provide their own value. This makes sense as the game is supposed to be competitive and for that you must have something to measure.

ok then. Good one, dude.


Mercy players are damned if they do, damned if they don’t.

And people out here really trying to dictate who gets respect based on who they play in a fictional video game LMAO