She didn’t do that. The goats team specifically said that they made the comp because they lacked a good enough widow to contest their opponents. She may have been a part of goats but that doesn’t mean she created it.
Uh, yah? Teammates don’t peel in 90% of the ranks.
Brig in no way denys flankers anymore…All you do is swat them away, using every single cooldown then they recall/get more HP than before bc their passive, come back and kill you anyway
You get absolutely farmed if you even try against Tracer or Doom. Esp since Blizz found it pertinent to buff Tracer’s falloff damage so she now does full damage just outside of Brig’s attacking range. And then other stuff in the past like adjusting bash damage so it perfectly leaves Tracer with HP to recall with.
non-ulting Genji is still counterable tho lul
uh yeah, she needs to COUNTER TRACER because tracer legit breaks the game. all of overwatch’s problems legit come from the stem which is tracer. i want her to be fun, not just another heal bot
Where is your other sp? that get you killed by a tracer easily ?
We are discussing a Tracer VS Brig matchup I thought
ah then she should win in open space, If you good enough, you will look for corner to play around her alone. Its all about game sense then. If she catch you open space and kill you, then she kinda earn it ? She pick the perfect opportunity
Supports in general should not have upper hands all the time against dps, their role basically say it. You enable your team or assist them, not going berserk and hunt for their dps when they have greater tool to kill you
Yeah, that’s what it took to have a reliable way of dealing with Tracer Dive at that time. Everything and everyone else was too weak, and persons forbid they touch Tracer at all (which they eventually did cause Tracer was also a tank buster if you recall). That was entirely the result of not wanting to directly touch the overdominant Dive of the time but trying to figure out some way to deal with it.
Which was also the only time old Brig was actually good in 6v6. She certainly couldn’t solo heal, and she was barely able to be a second healer. She was more of a mini-off tank that quickly lost her kill potential.
I’m not saying she wasn’t overpowered… she definitely was, and it took a long time to bring her into line. That said, all of this hate for the character has always been shortsighted, always wanting the result of the game’s problems to be fixed rather than the underlying root causes.
I agree that Tracer has been broken since forever. Brig playstyle has changed a lot , you are more likely to stay in the middle of team now, to poke to proc inspire and raise ur awareness against flankers aiming at your main heal. Thats why i say she got rewarded for quick reflex. As long as the main heal alive, the combat not over
Brig IMO, is good overall, I was mostly flankers main so my reflex already decent. She has the best tool to enable and protect your team as support role, but not the best choice to make the table-flipping strat pick
This is completely untrue lmao. Brig countered doom harder than tracer (although she countered everything) She could cancel his punch with bash, packs would insta heal his combos so you coudnt ever engage on anyone. Rally was 150hp so doom having no poke to get rid of the armour, couldnt do a thing against anyone after rally is popped. Armor was infinite back then too so waiting till it goes away was not an option lol. Idk where this idea of doom being meta came from. He was terrible until 222 double shield meta far after launch brig.
Not so many train their reflex to counter doom at Brig release, believe me. And the amount of brig abusers was absurd that they only know to M1. Doom was better at charging punch and execute it before the nerf hit him
As a living proof, I was a Doom main, lul , I trained doom for few months before brig hit live, and I automatically got the upper hand that I got to GM in season 13
Edited: who need you to combo doom against brig, just punch bot dude ? 250 almost instantly. Thats the reason they nerf doom freaking hard later ?
So deny them then?
Denying flankers is as simple as zoning them most of the time. You don’t have to kill a flanker to deny them. Also packs deny doom, tracer and genji. Bash rolls doom and genji. Rally makes tracer useless. Brig most certainly still denies flankers.
Then you need to get better at brig
The reason of doom become meta was how braindead he need to play like brig, when people stacking up, theres no one pay attention to doom nor they have any tools strong enough to kill him, he just punch bot freely and gain lots of ultimate. And 150 armor does not regen themselves. just keep punching them? They literally cant kill you if you stack up your passive shield with effectively 400 hp. Punch bot all the way my man
And for another reason, his uppercut was too freaking strong, 3s airlock is enough to kill any soldiers, ana, zen, lucio, etc if they ever get caught in a random slam. Too many attribute that make him meta. But brig being meta is the biggest reason for him
How do i know so sure? Like I said, I am a living proof, I climbed to GM by one tricking doom in brig era
Well yes the fictional character Brigitte Lindholm did not make the team comp known as GOATs
however, she was integral to it and one of the 3 heroes to never be swapped out in any variation until the very very end of it’s lifespan when she was sometimes swapped for Baptiste. GOATs could not have been created without her since her ability to overlap AOE heals with Lucio and Moira was half the point.
Its also about her ability to gain ulti faster too. Since she does damage and heal while sustain herself pretty fine in that chaotic combat.
I remember zarya grav was just to buy time since grav cant combo with anything to kill them with brig rallying
We should make a support where you don’t kill them but deny them, like a healing Tracer.
We have it actually, it’s called Moira, just different way of using. But all about the basics of movement? Ability to regain health? Yeah they are common
But he wasn’t meta. Not once. 0 Times. You are saying he’s meta but that just isn’t true. it was grav dragon, then goats. Then double shield is where doom was meta in 2019.
Doom was always meta in brig, people had not realized his true potential with all those roof rollouts and uppercut potential. They want to play friendly-to-play heroes which just copying the GOATs itself. Double shield was when all the doom players as well as doom abusers kicked in and then the massive nerf patch came
Moira doesn’t really have enough mobility. You’d need constant burst mobility, pop in to heal pop out to escape. Over and over. Maybe if you drop Moira’s fade to maybe a 3 second CD, it would be about right.