Relive Your Overwatch Glory!

How do you even do it? Like others said, it just brings me to a page that says Opt In, and at the bottom says “Opting in will not make the video immediately available”
So… when is it available?

I just see opt in whenever I go to recap.overwatch so… how do we view it?

I just checked out mine. Its was Ok. Kinda generic and cheesy. But slightly enjoyable :slightly_smiling_face:

I did like the ending with the Devs talking briefly about the history OW. That was cool. :ok_hand:

huh… was opt in and in the US …no video. Unlucky

US player here, been playing since the OW1 beta. This seems incredibly cheap, tacky, and invasive. We really are expected to just give away all our information to an Israeli company (that WILL use it against us) just to see some stats that we already have access to in game (but this time they’re wildly inaccurate too because it’s a sh*tty AI). Plus, everyone outside of the US can’t even access it? It’d be nice if y’all lead with that. Excluding a big chunk of your playerbase for hitting a milestone is wild, who thought that was a good idea? Nah, F this. Free Palestine.

So how do I actually get the video? I opted in forever ago but the link keeps telling me to update my settings. I saw someone else say the same thing. Any update?

Well done Blizzard, after strange NDA meetings, content creators summits and other garbage that has got into the game, you decided to reward all 100 million players with there video. Sadly most of the players got baited as well as smurf accounts to a video reserve for USA players. This is yet another rotten move because it causes discrimination among the rest of the players from the other continents.

If players were expecting something more then video then tough luck: we couldn’t make more because we were out of resources (at the same time we are calculating all that money which you players have given to us).

Ever since Bobby Kotick left and the merger with Microsoft the content quality has decreased as well as the potential of the game. The only vision the devs have is to listening to a bunch of PR creators who are telling them how to make this game close as possible to the rest of the FPS games and also claiming that current state of PVP is better then OW1 first year, but in fact it never will be.

Sometimes i am glad that this sequel has come because it demonstrates how a perfect game was ruined by the corporate greed along with decisions from the Content Creators. This is not just the case with this game but in the FPS market as a whole because the hunger for money is more important then the games quality. The idea for the next game can be amazing as all the stars in the solar system but if it won’t generate crazy amount of money at constant pace for the bosses, it goes straight in the trash.

This is the reality that everyone must know if it hasn’t.

Why not give us coins or an emote?
Not even a voice line?

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Me who reads this having 40 accounts: Yeah! A milestone! Yeah, 100 mil, definitely, ahah.

100 million is 100 million. The fact that you even have 40 accounts says a lot about how much you love the game, rofl

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they give us absolutely nothing these days, free to play was just a big scam to stop giving us things and start charging us for them.

good idea. Blizzard should also support OW1 for a few months while OW2 is also active and see which game has more players!!!

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Thank you for this awesome that is inaccessible to anyone outside of the United States Of America :us: which features generic cgi footage of the game

Not even voice lines from the VAs to thank the player base.

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I meet all of the requirements, and still haven’t received my video, help?

Same bro I don’t know what is happening

I dont get why we need to proactively enable promotion emails to view this. Seems like a marketing ploy.

Do you live in USA country? If dont, you will not receive the video. Unfortunately

Has anyone figured out the secret to actually getting their video?

We’ve been jipped! :weary:

I think a short lore animation video would have been fun.