Relationship Web Between Overwatch Characters


A relationship web I made to track who knows who in Overwatch. I included all the characters we have names and faces for, and who aren’t dead. Dotted lines are relationships that are likely but not confirmed. Let me know if i missed anything.


A feel that masquerade and other comics/voicelines have more of the Talon members being connected together aside from just being a part of Talon

Like the Overwatch side has lines linking the heroes around to an extent but the Talon side feels lacking

Like Widow/doomfist fight together
Widow/Sombra/Reaper going on missions together
Widow/Reaper putting an attack in motion with only a nod,
Reaper meets doomfist after he breaks out
Doomfist and reaper fight through to the council meeting in venice
Widow/Sombra working together to get the other two to that meeting
Sombra assisting doomfists escape,
Moira is implied through voicelines to have at least had a hand in creating the monster that is Widowmaker

Given storm rising I think max and doom should have some line, whether that’s an ‘it’s complicated’ or not

Widow and tracer should have a line, most likely enemies as they’ve fought at least twice during two different cinematics.

Someone should have another line with Mccree, from memory I think it’s Hanzo? 2016 article about Mccree being in Japan if I’m remembering that correctly, but also could be taken as coincidence.

Ana and widow should have a line too, unsure if that would be enemies as well but… they don’t exactly seem like friends in game
(But the most recent voiceline interaction they have does raise questions)

Also at present time I believe soldier and reaper need an enemies line.

Reaper and Mccree could use one as well, probably enemies,

Rein calls Reaper a traitor if you eliminate him so that would also merit an enemies line I believe

It’s a really good place to start from I think but it depends what pieces you think are relevant enough to fit onto the picture.

Or if you’re taking voicelines as canon


The image is dead :v

Thanks, it’s fixed now.

You missed Vincent. We knows his face.

He was Jack’s ex boyfriend from ~30 years ago. I’m just counting characters that are currently active in the story.

The only thing that I wouldn’t agree on is that there is no romance between Mercy and Genji as it is quite unlikely.


What’s complicated between Ana and Reaper and D.VA and her MEKA buddy?

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There have been enough hints that that’s what the writers intend for them. I see it as more likely than not that there is a romantic relationship between them.

Ana and Reaper used to be close friends, but now they’re enemies. D.Va and King are rivals.


We’ve been over this many times. There isn’t a romantic relationship between them. I don’t want to start this argument again so let’s just agree to disagree.


The only change I see since your last posted the image is Mercy/Genji has been changed from an ‘it’s complicated’ to a dotted pink line

Can clearly see where your interests lie.
It ain’t lore.


It was always a pink dotted line. I have no stakes in whether the relationship happens or not, I’m just reporting what I have observed.


I’m 99% sure it was a solid it’s complicated line before you took the image down.

It has changed


It was a dotted pink line over a solid green line. I didn’t take the image down, the link broke because I changed the file.

I thought it was orange before too but it seems the green line gave the illusion that it is orange.

And again I believe that it shouldn’t be pink.


But why aren’t Soldier and Reaper complicated then? They were friends too.

And oh! That’s King, I thought it was the dude from the cinematic.

they just changed it lmao

absolute lies.

There should be a dotted friendship line between Sombra and Widow, as well as Reaper and Widow. The devs have stated Sombra considers them friends but we don’t know if the feeling is mutual.

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Why isn’t Ana connected to Rein, the flirting that goes on between them is obviously more than just friendship :wink: also mercy should be considered rivals with Moria considering they have sprays and voicelines together.

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Reinhardt still thinks Ana is dead, and we don’t know if Mercy and Moira have even met.