Rejoin Match button still not working

Waiting for a Role Queue match, playing some Deathmatch in the While you wait section.

Eventually, find a game - but am taken to the main menu, not the match map.

The Play button is now “Rejoin match”.

Clicking it makes a sound but nothing happens, try repeatedly. Can’t play anything or access Training.

Close game, “Play” is now available.

Can’t queue Comp role queue because I’m suspended for 10 mins and docked 50 SR.

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I’m having the exact same issue and I’ve seen multiple other posts here reporting the same.

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It’s been an issue for years - the Rejoin Match button hasn’t actually worked for me without restarting the client for at least 2 or 3 years.

Console player here. My game froze and crashed during a competitive game. After only the minute and a half it took to relaunch I never saw an option to rejoin. I was unfortunately banned for an hour, and I even dropped out of my endorsement tier! If the devs are this serious about handing out penalties for leaving a game (even if its thier own clients fault) yet seem to show very little effort into fixing an error that’s been around here SINCE 2018. At this point after 5 years of playing I’ve completely lost faith in the Blizzard team.