Reject Blizzard. Return to Valve

well yeah it’s a free to play game that’s been basically completely abandoned by the devs. Why would they care about accounts that didn’t pay for a game being screeching racial slurs and spraying furry p**n all over walls, at other accounts that didn’t pay for the game. As long as Valve can skim off the microtransactions to fund Gabes next stupid card game why do would they care

A still growing playerbase despite being a 14 year old game. Keeps hitting record breaking playercounts and in the top 5 games on steam.

And some of them are even actual players!

TF2 fans get a hobby other than seething over Overwatch challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Engineer turret would’ve been too much for Overwatch, yes, but Torb turret would have been too little for TF2

You gotta remember you have 11 teammates as opposed to 5 in TF2

  1. Golden weapons are rare
  2. Community tournaments
  3. SFMs

Btw, Gaben even jokes in his own Dota 2 announcer pack about his inability to count to three. Why no Blizzard dev ever bothered to voice Athena replacement for Overwatch?

Graphic-wise - yes, but everything elsed is lacking.

And then you drink Bonk! Atomic Punch and sprint right past sentry. Almost any obstacle in TF2 has workaround - firewall blocking your way as Spy? Icy knife is your way through.

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Man I use to play the hell out of TF2. I still think its core gameplay is vastly superior to OW’s, but Valve’s neglect has driven me away. Now there’s bots everywhere in pubs and the only active community servers are things like 24/7 2fort.

I’m still hoping for the miracle that is Valve fixing the game. Or Blizzard stepping up their game and adding things we should have had by now like map creation tools. OW is fun but it manages to feel less complete than TF2 at times.

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Agree, there’s even more things to be considered:

I might have to dip my toes in the world of this game… :rofl:

The company that does not even make games anymore? I mean this is baseless and we all know Valve is or has been under the same fire that Blizz got themselves into right now. Leaving solves nothing really but by all means feel free to not come back either.

TF2 culdve aged like wine if they didn’t throw in all those overwatch updates like competitive, matchmaking, quickplay, weapon balancing in their final moments.

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I was told to reject society, and return to monke. So here I am at OW playing winston.

Make up your minds.

Let me guess, you were one of the Valve fanboys who called Overwatch TF3?

Here’s a newsflash, friendorino; We don’t all like shooters. Imagine that.

I don’t play Overwatch because it has pew pew. They could delete Soldier 76 for all I care, and replace McCree’s gun with a lasso.

Overwatch was popular for different reasons than TF2, and it appealed to a much more diverse crowd. Granted, most of that crowd is gone now.

Anyway, I know you were salty when people left TF2 for Overwatch, but I was not one of them. I have 3 hours in TF2, but only because it came with my copy of Portal.

If someone here is looking for a free game like Overwatch, you might wanna try Paladins. The matchmaking is practically random, but it’s good for casual fun with a friend or two. You can also grind challenges for currency, which allows you to buy battle passes for free.

In Paladins, you can create multiple loadouts for each hero to suit your style and level of expertise. You can create a noob loadout with a higher HP, and then mix it up when you get better.

Every play style and team comp can be viable in Paladins. You can totally be a damage focused healer, or a flanking tank.

Now it’s time to reject monke and return to sandwich-eating Russian giant.

Just like it’s time for me to reject angelic doctor and return to insane mad scientist, that stole patient’s skeleton and lost medical license. Ze healing is not as rewarding, as ze hurting, after all.

Overwatch was popular for different reasons than TF2, and it appealed to a much more diverse crowd.

The diversity of booba. Who cares about the gameplay its all about the booba.

Tbh I can find enjoyment out of both games.

Tf2 for how chaotic fun it can be.

OW for how organized fun (a little chaotic because of arcade and custom games) it can be.

I dunno why both players can’t just shake hands and agree with each other.

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Im just saying overwatch shouldve had 16v16 no hero limits.

I love slightly higher skill cap/floor OW!

Problem is for some reason each pc upgrade i have got, has somehow made the game run worse.

ALSO 15. duel tokens that can lead to rivalries.

  1. map votes

  2. pyro dodgeball

  3. skeram servers are the only custom community left pretty much… sad but true

Half-life alex counts i guess haha.

But gaben lets the devs pick and choose what they work on and the devs already said they won’t work on any project they are not passionate about… and that they are afraid of creating flops because of over hype they could never exceed…

That being said Gaben said he would have news for us this year.

Team Fortress died for me when they stop updating but overwatch seemed died off to the same way.

Well because of the recent controversy, which i’m not going into, just look up Activision-Blizzard you’ll see what i mean, people are soft boycotting them in most of their games.

Wait, but TF2 doesn’t run on Source 2, it still runs on Source 1. It’s just that TF2 isn’t optimized for newer machines in that it mainly uses your CPU and barely your GPU. If you just set everything to high then it should fix it. Or install some configs.