Reinstate 6v6 classic

As a tank main some of this need to be addressed. All these buff and Nerf to tanks along with DPS passive is a waste of time. Why not bring back 6v6 and rework the heroes that was causing the double shield meta. You already reworked the Orisa 1 down 2 to go, and to be honest the only original hero that should have a Shield is Reinhardt. I remember an OverWatch one before heroe’s role there was a locked out that you select two DPS Heroes that means no one else can select a DPS the same could apply for tanks with the six player. They’re also was four role back then tanks, damage, defense and supports. (To some of y’all that may not know this was around the time when Symmetra was support class and Bastion had a shield) I used to have hours on Reinhardt and now he’s entirely useless in this game I feel some type of way about it because he was one of my best tanks now he’s nothing more but a support squishy on the front line. OverWatch was a masterpiece before OverWatch 2 just like a billion dollar City built in China but no one lives in it. Also it’s time to drop the “2”


This was never the case outside of custom games and maybe an event mode or two. QP, comp, and all standard arcade modes always allowed an unlimited number of each role.


Always happy to support the return of 6v6!


Or they can allocate their resources toward more worthwhile endeavors like attracting new players to offset the loss of old players who are bored of playing the same game for eight fricken years.

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Which version should we bring back?

The fabled Oct 2020 patch?
The last patch before OW2?
Or even… The wild west of 2016 when you could run around with 6 tracers IN COMP

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Or how about that time when the devs abandoned the game for one and a half years?

Honestly, my favorite would probably be right before they brought in Ana. Adding in a hero that could do about 200 HPS with just cooldowns and not an Ult feels like the start of bad times. But I’d also take pretty much any patch after they changed Widowmaker to not be able to OHKO Tracer and Zen with a bodyshot.

I still play EDF 4.1 and it hasn’t gotten an update since 2016. It isn’t even PvP, it’s just me and friends versus the bugs and aliens. I also still play HotS pretty regularly, even though they went officially went into maintenance mode in 2022, but they hadn’t released a new hero since 2020.

The point I’m trying to make with that is, if a game is already fun, it doesn’t matter if it’s not constantly updated. Fallout 4 came out 9 years ago, and it’s the 4th most played game currently on Steam. Civs V and VI, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Left 4 Dead 2 are all old games that haven’t been updated in years, but are still in Steam’s Top 100 currently most played games.

Now if a game isn’t in a good state and the developers stop updating it for 2-3 years to work on another project that they then effectively cancel and just cannibalize their original game to make it look like they didn’t waste all that time leaving their game in a bad state while making promises for years? That’s a problem.

I dont think “classic” is as great as one would make it seems, because no limits sucked. 4 zaryas, a team full of widows and hanzos, overwatch was on the verge of being as bad as it is now after the honeymoon phase ended 6 years ago and people realized how stacking a bunch of the same heroes could completely destroy the balance.

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As far as I know, no one dislikes that patch in particular, so I’d say it is worth the shot.

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Sextuple hero… nah we don’t need to go THAT far back.

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Oct 2020 patch.

Move Brig to tank role, remove invulns and rez from the game. Remove all role passives. Revert most hero reworks and map reworks done to force garbage 5v5. Remove RQ. Allow the new heroes and maps to be played of course and just add content from there.

The entire game would almost single handedly be fixed and better off.

its funny bc people complain how the game plays exactly the same for years then cry when something brand new is there to freshen the game up

its like the opposite of the CS franchise, old-timers boycotting the new game bc it wasnt faithful the previous iteration of the franchise

I’m fine with either as a starting point :woman_shrugging: I hope no one is actually saying to keep the game in that state eternally.

this is an opinion stated as if it were fact, when it is not fact

many people like no limits, myself included

6v6 doesn’t improve the tank experience, it makes it worse.

6v6 means all tanks get nerfed, all tanks are easier to kill, all tanks are weaker and less capable, and all tanks have to rely on a 2nd tank player just to hope to survive peeking a corner

All of that is an awful experience

Here is a link to a group that have a ow2 6v6 workshop. They set up 6v6 lobbies all the time.


That’s the workshop code

This is disingenuous. Most of the complaints were about not getting new content, not about the game playing the same.

And I didn’t even mind not getting new heroes. I enjoyed the game still.


this is an opinion stated as if it were a fact, when it isnt a fact

many players have declared that they prefer a 2 tank mode

not necessarily, since both teams have access to the same set of tanks

see above

I accept that that is the case for you, but that doesnt make it true for all players


Likewise. I accept that some of you prefer 2 tanks, but myself and many players do not. I do not find the weaker, easier to kill, less capable and more reliant tank experience more fun than the stronger solo tank experience

The statement I originally replied to was and is an opinion stated as if it were fact, when it isnt fact

Further, tanks in a 2 tank system are not necessarily weaker. they can be, but this isnt a necessity