Reinhardt's Earthshatter is so Bugged, Please Fix it! (With Video)

I actually work for a company that develops and sells property management software, and a big PR 101 no-no is to give people dates or expectations you can’t uphold.

People get more annoyed when you say “this will be ready April of 2018”, but then that fix never happens and actually is still not fixed 3 months later, vs giving them updates from time to time that you’re actively working on a fix. Giving people dates or expectations of “this will be fixed next patch” is a terrible customer service approach. People also hate not getting any feedback or updates.

PR and communications is also what I have my bachelor’s in.

Edit: (also, we’re clearly on the same page–we’re in agreement)


I think we are on the same side, only discrepancy is that I think giving dates is still important. I am a PM in a tech implementation consultancy and as much as I would love to, not giving dates has never worked for me.

That’s kind of what I’m getting at when I say “realistic expectations”, and that Blizzard should know better than to give us dates that are two-four weeks away.

When we roll out with new features that will eventually be implemented into a future revision, we give them realistic target dates that are a few months out that we pretty much always meet.

They are working on more important things than some bugs… Like LFG and such! xd

Absolutely mate, I’m sure they’ve been working on LFG for 2 years now…

Ps: that’s how old Reinhardt’s bugs are… Wink

I work for a software company and know all about missing deadlines on projects. There is always something that comes up that needs to be addressed asap or problems are more deep then on the initial scope.

I get it, it happens here and I am sure happens at Blizzard. What we don’t do as a company is go dark on the customer. We would be losing clients left and right if we did this.

Worst way to make a game, just look at tf2

Then they should say that BEFORE december.

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Hello Gamma and welcome to the forums. While I understand you are trying to bring a current situation related to the topic of this older thread, it is still important to not necro-bump older threads like this. For this specific reason, the bugs you may be observing may not be precisely related to the ones identified from before and therefore results in things becoming more confusing for everyone. Instead, it is better to post a new topic and preferably in the Bug Report forum. Thanks for your assistance!

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