Reinhardt's Earthshatter is so Bugged, Please Fix it! (With Video)

Can you also fix the issue of Rein’s ult push enemies away. I actually lost a Comp match in Season 8 where my teammate Rein ult ed an enemy Nana Boosted Reaper who solo ult ed me (I fade as Moira to get away). When he ult ed Reaper it didn’t stun him. It pushed him into my team mates and Reaper killed all 5 of them except me. I just stood there and let Reaper kill me afterwards. We should have won but because Rein’s ult doesn’t automatically shut down people, we lost. He should have slammed that Reaper down instantly but instead helped the enemy Reaper get a team kill when we had the advantage. 6 people on point vs an Ana and Reaper who just came back. We should have won but like I said, Rein’s ult pushed Reaper away instead of stunning him.

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Why do you keep releasing and spending the precious development time on new heroes, when you have existing heroes in-game for the last 2 years with broken abilities.

You just keep spending more time to released bugged heroes to get more money and not caring about the hero we paid for 2 years ago.

Please get your group together.


pretty embarrassing that a multibillion dollar video game company has a ‘tough time’ figuring out how to make their game work correctly.

you might as well have infinite resources.

his ult has been broken since literally release, so i guess i should be happy that you’re at least fixing one part of how busted it is, eventually*, maybe**


I had this happen to me while I was Widow before and I felt so bad I apologized to the Rein in match chat after killing him. He totally hit me with shatter and it just did nothing for some reason so he died for no fault of his own or being bested by me at the time.


i saw it happen many times.

one time i was behind an orisa… and we both didnt get stun lol.

it seems once you are close to a wall… it just wont do anything.

Anyone who’s ever written any software at all can relate to this. Thanks for trying to make the game better—I’m sure it’ll be satisfying to nail this bug to the wall.


As someone who has been playing Reinhardt his entire year+ of Overwatch, Reinhardt feels horrible right now. The amount of bugs he has, i.e. buggy hammer down and charge hotboxes, makes playing him pretty unrewarding. When I hammer down 4 people in front of me and it knocks down 1/4 people that should’ve been affected and then charging someone almost point blank dead on and having them fly off. On the other hand, after I knock someone out of the way with Rein’s charge that should’ve hit, someone will charge a wall I’m standing on and it’ll suck me down and kill me, video:

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You Honor Us! Thank you Crusader!


um … Hi there RichC!!! ~runs away~

-humble, nervous fan :slight_smile:

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Well, to be fair it might sound easy to fix those bugs, but it really isn’t.

I have never seen Earthshatter not blocked by Orisa shield but someone Reins shield randomly fails to block it… kind of odd if you ask me.

Ult charge loss when it probably shouldn’t, shield not working, Ult not working, charge doing all kinds of odd things, and Rein flying like pharah when hit by junkrat mine…

Doomfist and Rein should keep the debuggers busy for a long time.

Thank you for a response on this, really really appreciate it :smile:
Early April is a reasonable time period from now, if it ends up taking longer would you be able to tell us? I’d rather know it’s harder to fix than first thought so won’t be round until June then not hear anything.

For the people annoyed that it will take so long…take a chill pill, software development can be deceptively complicated even with an ‘infinite resource pool’ and I’d rather wait longer for a less buggy version than a fast fix that creates more bugs

Could you also finally look at Charge? It’s inconsistent as all hell. Sometimes you can hit one straight on and they fly off, and other times you can suck them to you from behind a wall.

Pretty sure software developers and the esports scene are very different things

I have a video of the bug that happened to me. I know Genji is the favorite of the devs, but this is too much :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m not bitter or anything, but when I posted about this on the old forums even with video proof I got downvoted pretty badly. Guess it wasn’t just me.

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Fantastic! I’ve been raving about this for a long time and you guys seemed to have gone dark and ignored Reinhardt:

I have a few video clips in a complication on my PS4, ill upload them later.
EDIT: I still can’t include links in my posts… so annoying!

Fix and buff reinhardt up blizzard for god sake…

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I can at least say that I’ve gotten shafted over both sides of earthshatter not being an instant cone shaped AoE stun and instead being a sort of ‘wave of stun’ that doesn’t really make sense since sound travels faster through the ground than it does through air anyway.

Its robbed me of people getting stunned by them going around corners after I cast it, and I’ve had the displeasure of being stunned after dropping my shield after an enemy Rein has used it on me.

If it were instant I’d be saved a lot of headaches.