Reinhardt’s Charge ability has garnered much attention among players, with some suggesting that its radius needs to be reduced. The current radius of the ability exceeds the dimensions of Reinhardt’s physical form, resulting in players being pulled into the animation even when they are not within close proximity to the character. This phenomenon detracts from the overall gaming experience, particularly when a Reinhardt player is present, as players may feel that they cannot effectively evade the ability.
While there may be arguments made in favor of positioning oneself better to avoid the Charge, there are instances where the ability’s radius extends far beyond the reach of the opponent, making it difficult to evade. This creates a sense of frustration and undermines the skill-based nature of the game, as players may feel that they are unfairly snagged into the Charge even when they have taken steps to avoid it. As such, reducing the radius of the Charge to better fit Reinhardt’s form would improve the overall feel of the game and enhance the player’s sense of control and agency.
Rein is the new Roadhog! Nerf the one shot!
I am half kidding. But as a Symmetra, it has a huge magnetic pull with her huge hitbox… it would be nice to address this since Rein seems stronger now that he can 2 shot from long ranges and his multiple one shots when comboes with other damage boosts.
I think this is to much connected with other big problem with charge, yes the pull does exist, but also hit registration on it was always wonky, as it could push instead of pinning targets, even if charging at sleeping tank.
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I’ve been annoyed by this for the longest time, not because it’s large, but because it’s inconsistent. Even after attempts to fix it, iirc.
It’s probably more of a network thing, and yeah, fast objects like a charging Rein are tricky, but damn.
Anyone else think this post looks like it was written by an AI?
Rein be always most broken in terms of bugs hero in this game. I guess thats one of a reasons why i dont really feel that blizzard quality people were talking about XD
Only one going close to him was doom, and what was broken with doom existed in rein kit as well…
Well, charge isn’t a good hitbox tbh so an outright nerf aint it, it’s large but inconsistent on most heroes.
It does seem to be more consistent when charging mercy tho, maybe cause of her wings
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Wdym this is super fun to play against and very fair!
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I just want them to fix it and make it inconsistent. Feels like half the time, I’m not even touching his model and I get pinned, and others I’m barely off-centered and get booped - all depending on whether I’m in his left or right side.
What it needs is consistency. Half the time I hit a player dead on and they just bounce off and other times I’m hoovering people in from 3 meters away. Oh… Multiple people have already said this. >.>
Wait, they nerfed Rein charge’s vacuum range to only 3 meters? This is huge!
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One time I was standing on the ledge right behind point B on Hanamura defense, and the Rein charged the wall there and it sucked me off the ledge and into his pin. Like huh? Hello? I was on the ledge sure but it shouldn’t have pulled me off like that. (I took a video on my phone but idk how I’d post that here) The magnet pin is so ridiculous
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yeah i’ve had this happen too, thought i was smart getting off the lowground but i guess the ledge was not high enough?
overall it’s probably a question of fixes rather than a nerf, but rein pin does feel both inconsistent (boops that should have been pins) and forgiving (pins that should have been boops or total misses) at the same time
as a junkerqueen main, this is a huge deal for me. i do enjoy shouting and running out of the way when he charges tho.
yeah its crazy inconsistent, sometimes he’ll hit someone dead on and they’ll got flying away, other times you get hit by the wind his charge makes and that’s enough to kill you
I would love it to be more consistent. Less annoying for rein mains who hit their pins but don’t stick them, less annoying for everyone else whos tired of getting sucked into the black hole
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