There are only 2 anchor tanks (main tanks) in this game, so pick-rate is not a determining factor that Reinhardt is in a good position. I’m going to assume you haven’t been brought up to speed on Reinhardt. So I will simply link you to threads you should read before saying Reinhardt is in a good position.
Reinhardt suffers from major bugs with more than half his entire kit. Shield is bugged, Earth-shatter is bugged, and charge is bugged. Not to mention there is a bug that will kick you out of a game for no reason while playing Reinhardt.
Even with all these bugs, he is picked because he is only 1 of two anchor tanks. And when his shatter works, it can be game changing. Does this mean he is in a good place? No. His shield has suffered from damage creep that has been brought in through various ways. See the threads above. This isn’t much of a debate anymore, Reinhardt has issues.