Reinhardt with shield should take damage from melee but not stunned

Doomfist and Brigette are some examples of heroes that having melee abilities that stun. Against a Reinhardt with his shield on in my opinion should take the damage from it but not stunned by it, that alone would put Reinhardt in a much better spot for right now once Brigette becomes available for competitive


Problem is it’d just seem super inconsistent.

Those attacks move the player the shield’s hitbox through the barrier to stun. It’s like expecting a flashbang on the far side of Rein’s barrier to not stun him.

Not to mention that the Rein charging Rein interaction is a stun-dash attack too, and I don’t think anyone wants that one changed.

When Rein has his shield up there will be separate hiboxes that react to stun if it hits the shield no stun will happen but if it hits Reinhardt he will be stunned and drops his shield

You’re basically asking for all barriers to be recoded. Just because Reinhardt carries his barrier like Brigitte, doesn’t mean it’s different and unique from the barriers used by Orisa, Symmetra and Winston.

Reinhardt is still in a very good position.

quietly invites RichC and Fragehardt to the thread


There are only 2 anchor tanks (main tanks) in this game, so pick-rate is not a determining factor that Reinhardt is in a good position. I’m going to assume you haven’t been brought up to speed on Reinhardt. So I will simply link you to threads you should read before saying Reinhardt is in a good position.

Reinhardt suffers from major bugs with more than half his entire kit. Shield is bugged, Earth-shatter is bugged, and charge is bugged. Not to mention there is a bug that will kick you out of a game for no reason while playing Reinhardt.

Even with all these bugs, he is picked because he is only 1 of two anchor tanks. And when his shatter works, it can be game changing. Does this mean he is in a good place? No. His shield has suffered from damage creep that has been brought in through various ways. See the threads above. This isn’t much of a debate anymore, Reinhardt has issues.


I agree with post above me. I’ve been agreeing since Moira entered the game…

I think it doesn’t take much time to realise that playing him doesn’t feel fun, nor rewarding, it feels stressful. And it used to be fun, before all the changes over the years have brought him to where he is now.

You don’t feel empowered, you feel like a glorified walking barrier because he’s far too reliant on his team. He needs help. Preferably more sustain, mobility or damage, so he’s a viable tank in solo queue rather than primary babysitting target for your team.

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The problem is that making Reinhardt unaffected by melee stuns while the shield is up also means that Reinhardt cannot charge another Reinhardt. As Reinhardt also has a melee stun: his charge pin.

That being said, I think a compromise could be made by giving Reinhardt a special passive, a effect on his charge to ignore that passive specifically, and putting a weakness in that passive to allow teamwork to beat it.

I’ve suggested the idea before and I will mention it again:

2 Passives: Braced and Heavy. Braced allows Reinhardt to ignore the first Hard CC he takes while his shield is up, with an internal cooldown of X seconds. This means it takes 2 people to stun him to drop his shield. Heavy reduces the effects of knockbacks on him by 50% to help with his bouncing problem.

Charge would get an effect exclusive for Reinhardt duels. Charge ignores Braced.

This would achieve the effect you, and a lot of other people, want without negatively effecting the Reinhardt chess and also having teamwork based counterplay.


I would say something, but RichC has already summed it up for me. At the top level he doesn’t see much play and there is a good reason for that.