Reinhardt turns when dropping shield

When playing as Reinhardt and dropping his Barrier Field in order to use Earthshatter or Fire Strike, sometimes he will turn around and whichever ability he’s using gets wasted on the wall behind him. If dropping the shield without using an ability, he is not affected; but if releasing right-click and pressing E or Q in quick succession, he is reoriented and the ability is wasted.

I only notice this happening when there is a Reinhardt on both teams, and as far as I can tell, when there is a Brigitte in the match as well. In addition, it seems like when dropping the barrier, he is turned to face the same direction as one of the other barrier-wielding heroes, as the amount by which he is turned is not consistent.

It is safe to say this bug has cost many a match - I’m not saying I’m a great Reinhardt who always lands fantastic ults, because I’m not, but it is still very frustrating when lining up a decent shatter only to be turned around and ult into the wall, allowing the enemy to continue their push and take the objective unimpeded.


I have had the exact same issue playing as Reinhardt on Xbox One. I might be wrong, but it appears to occur later in matches and when frame rates drop around Wrecking Ball.

Defending on Hanamura for example, on the second objective, I threw my shield up to the right of the objective to block a hanzo that was pecking at me from the exterbal balcony area, and when he went away, I kept my shield up, turned to the left to face the chokepoint by the bridge as several enemies were coming. Shield still up, I went to earthshatter as they came forward, WB among them, but instead of earthshattering directly in front of the objective, Rein turned and shattered to the right towards the external balcony, where I had put up my shield initially. Shortly after, I was slept by Anna and the enemy team took the point and won the match.

Now this was in quickplay, so it wasn’t the loss that bothered me, but the fact that Rein is currently incapable of putting a shield up, turning, and then using an ability while maintaining the same forward facing direction. Something that’s obviously crucial while playing the main tank.

I have this issue with both Rein and Brigitte. Dropping any shield/using and ability while holding shield flips me 180 degrees and my back is completely open. It’s very frustrating! It would be great if you could give us something for this Blizzard!

I have kind of a megathread for this bug. If you have any videos or highlights with it please upload them (You can use ) and i will add them to the thread.