Reinhardt is useless

Why does rein feel so weak compared to the other tank characters ??? Even in qp he is almost unplayable! Do the devs just hate this character ? Or did they forgot to buff him ???

My problem with how they’ve worked reinhardt is they’ve made his charge WAY too easy to stop. Brig can stop it, orisa literally has three ways of stopping it, DF can stop it, ana, kiriko, maugua or whatever the new tanks name is and the list goes on and on and on, if they can’t stop it they can avoid it easily (hanzo jump, moira fade, reaper fade etc etc etc)

When you charge someone you’re putting yourself at risk because to get the kill you need to go to a wall. In other words it’s not easy to use so they shouldn’t make it so easy to avoid: so nothing should stop the charge, or at least far less things should stop it.

Things that definitely shouldn’t stop reins charge at the very least:
Orisas garbage
anas sleep dart
mauguas charge garbage

you’re being sacrificed to the noooo-players. you’re supposed to enjoy dying for them.

you’re already bringing knife to gunfight in exchange for big health bar. you get a 2nd and 3rd chance for teamwork to manifest where other roles must execute to just to earn a 2nd.

but now in 5v5

you get shot twice as often as in 6v6 but have nowhere close to twice the shield. this gives the team less chances to work with the tank, so they needed to have their individual kits power-buffed so that they can’t fail their one chance. problem is nothing is that cut and dry. just because the ashe shot the dynamite and it did uberbuffed dmg…that doesn’t make a noob chain seven dinks from highground. it made the noob camp main to spam overpriced skillless buttons.

newspaper says your moms wallet says getting a 2nd knife fixed the imbalance. (shareholders didnt all divest)

because 99% of proper team play is expected to take place during tank alive time, and no single hero can be expected to live in all scenarios, the tank must be expected to die to make nontank gameplay loops valid. to this end all nontank abilities need to be able to single handedly mimic the on-paper power level of tanks who have 3xhp, armor.

overwatch is teamwork less tanks on payload means means more responsibility for other roles.

teamwork is as hard to find as gold but tanks used to be a team within a team.

they made the objective a game within a game so that other roles had time to play the whole map. with only 1 tank, what prevents enemies from just walking behind rein shield to shoot??? definitely not a teammate who’s autoprogramed by role selection to help, thats just some anomaly gone forever.

Rein has gotten worse over time as more high-mobility heroes or straight up counters have been added to the game, making it easy to avoid his charge and get shots from off angles around (or even through) his shield. Kiri, bap, moira, soj, echo, ashe, venture, lifeweaver, and wrecking ball can basically pretend he doesn’t exist. Illari can get onto high ground where rein cant do anything to her, and even JQ can use her scream and get away if needed. Mauga burns his shield really fast, and he can just pop his little run to avoid being charged. Brig can stop charge and boop him away while healing herself and the rest of her team at the same time. Sigma is the only character thats been added that might struggle a bit against rein, but that can easily be remedied with ana + zen, pharah mercy, etc. Ram is the only character added after the initial cast that doesn’t have a specific ability that allows him to escape rein, but he can do damage through his shield.

Rein needs to be able to be a threat even when his shield is up. Something similar to doom or zarya, where shooting his shield empowers his charge and firestrikes, could help with this. Or allowing him to charge with shield up, maybe without the ability to cancel and where the further you are from his body the less damage you take, would allow him to force enemies to play well away from his POV and make it more difficult to group together (so much space so fast!).

Any tank that cant be a threat at all times in 5v5 is destined to have a bad time.

He brawl.
No one wants to play brawl.
Rein suck.

Sad times. But Orissa still too strong for Rein to be useful.

It’s the counter picking. I play Rein vs Dva, Zarya and JQ, then they swap to Ram, Orisa, Mauga, then I swap to Dva, they swap to Zarya, I go back to Rein.

I think that’s a pretty accurate tank experience.

Yeah he’s pretty pathetic atm. Even with the slight buff.

Problem is they forgot to nerf Orissa, obliterate Hog and reduced/remove the DPS passive on tanks.