I think they need to revert reins passive back to 30%
50% is too much and super annoying it is like you are wasting your ability on him.
Rein has always been somewhat strong.
I don’t play him, but I am excited to see Rein get some play time and prefer playing against Reinhardt than Orisa no matter how hard she gets nerfed.
For the time being, I will defend Reinhardt until the meta gets boring. Reinhardt’s reign is relatively fresh and should continue for about 6-8 months just like Orisa’s reign did.
Wrong Orisa had a HUGE pickate/winrate even before Sig with Hog.
Rein is OK now.
It was bunker for like… A week? Two?
He has one of the if not the best ultimate in the entire game. I would be okay with that (and his recent buffs) if he was slower. It is just madness that he is as fast as a running soldier. A giant with huge armor should not be that fast. Otherwise this whole “dont get into his range” argument does not work.
Orisa had halt complete CC immunity on cooldown with max DR and a higher shield uptime than rein…
With Rein your shield uptime is way less than old orisa you just have a deeper shield, plus how are you gonna nerf rein … why would you nerf rein – because people pick him is not a reason for a nerf
It has been for other heroes in the past, and I don’t see why Reinhardt would be an exception.
Look, I’m not rooting for nerfs, but I think it’s safe to assume he will get nerfed.
Its a dysfunctional way to make the game work.
How come in seasons s1-s4 tanks were balanced at their peek? You could run Zarya/hog and no one would blink an eye, or D.VA Rein since all tanks had their equal strengths and weaknesses.
Its possible to achieve some level of balance, but not by nerfing everything into the dirt and then buffing them in aspects that doesnt help them at all
i really dont think he’ll get nerfed unless they tune back all characters, nor does he need a nerf … its not that deep of a shield… you just have to actually break it, plus hes got the coolest ult in the game pretty much
But Rein cant really carry the way Sigma or Orisa could in their peak, or insane hammonds
sigma and orisa needed nerfs… but more than nerfs i think that they needs a sinergy nerfs and maybe some reworks on orisa, she needs be harder to play.
anyway play against reinhart is a lot better than play sigma + orisa or just against orisa.
He’s actually kinda weak against Reaper, Which the effect of reaper is reduced when you have hog as a second tank. if the HOG is actually half way decent with his hook shot
Doesn’t really matter.
Players have been asking for nerfs for meta heroes on the forums and on Reddit in past, even for favourite ones, and I don’t see why Reinhardt would be an exception.
This thread would be a good example of this, isn’t it?
No because Rein isnt OP hes just a solid pick, he isnt oppressive even good ones, he has to earn his kills—
Also everytime you ask for a nerf on tank (now that they are fairly balanced) ask yourself if you want a longer queue because its the least played role
It really doesn’t matter if he is balanced or not.
As soon a hero get meta, no matter what his/her stats used to be or what his/her role is, will players ask for nerfs for meta heroes on this forum and on Reddit. Reinhardt will not be an exception of this.
How is Mei still not nerfed then? Rein does not need nerfs. No one complained about him until other shield tanks got nerfed. Only buff he got was faster movement with shield up and that was to make up for losing 400 HP on his shield. And guess what, Rein can’t attack with his shield up, unlike both Sigma and Orisa (not to mention he’s melee range). That’s why those two were picked over him before. He’s got no healer or another shield/Zarya bubble, he gets melted by Mei and Reaper. That’s not being “overtuned”.
And apparently that’s too much as well. We have to make every shield break from a single Genji shuriken…
Yeah, he’s actually good on Illios or Nepal sanctum, maps he was always outclassed before. But guess that’s too OP.
Yeah because how dare Reinhardt not be good on every single map. Then he might not be meta and we can"t have that.
Just make steadfast a thing for all the tanks.