Reinhardt is an ultimate blessing in this game

From his teammates’ perspective, he is fun to play with.
From his enemies’ perspective, he is fun to play against.

As Reinhardt’s teammate, it’s good to have someone protect his team, setting up kills, creating spaces & synergies. He selflessly soaks some damage, so his teammates will be less likely to be targeted.

As his enemy ranged hero, it’s extremely fun to play against an enemy Reinhardt instead of other Tanks (e.g Orisa, Roadhog, Sigma) as they can shoot back at their attackers.

As his enemy backline hero, it’s a huge relief to see the enemy team has Reinhardt instead of Dive Tanks (DVA, Winston & Wrecking Ball) because Dive Tanks can launch themselves across the map and harass back at their attackers.

Even when playing Reinhardt himself, it’s great to see an enemy Reinhardt much more than any other Tanks as Rein mirror is an enjoyable experience instead of having any other Tanks who can kick my a$$ freely with zero consequences until they’re in my hammer range.

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I love rein as much as I love winston. Both have very loveable characters with great kits and great voice actors.


Rein is a great character… but In my opinion, he shouldnt be a dominant pick. Right now, ball and hog are also being seen in action.

And why is “shoot the square” fun? Or is it just not as bad as “don’t be in LOS” or “don’t let the tank pounce you” ?

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It is fun because barriers suck now. I would have agreed with you prior to the OG double shield changes. But he doesn’t last long. Sigma’s sustain is way more annoying to deal with than Reinhardt’s pathetic excuse for a barrier.

Heck, Orisa too after her anti FPS buff that made headshots useless. I would MUCH rather burn his larger shield and take my free ult charge.

but… is it actually FUN? Like… do you do the pew pew and go WHEEEE! or are you just less frustrated?

Hey, man, I like to duel Tracer as much as the next guy, but I do not mind shooting at a blimp every now and again to mix things up. I personally have fun, but I can I obviously only speak for myself. I get frustrated playing against flankers when my teammates have the average IQ in the United States. Otherwise, it is not that bad.

That’s kinda my point though… “not that bad”.

I wouldn’t go so far as to say “fighting reinhart is fun!”

It’s less stressful than keeping LOS on a threat tank or kiting a dive tank… but those can be fun too … if you’re into it.

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It’s not fun. OP just doesn’t like tanks that are threatening. Rein is not so long as you put some space between you.

I dislike playing as Reinhardt because he is 100% the most team-reliant tank in the roster. If he doesn’t get literally pumped full of healing, he’s almost useless except as a giant rectangle.

I dislike playing against reinhardt because if you don’t have a shield, his ult is an absolute monster, which is extremely frustrating.

I also dislike that people seem to think that being a tank = you must play Reinhardt, or you are an awful person that’s making the whole team lose.

Sorry, just disagree with this take entirely.

cause apart from 2cp chokes you dont have to.

you push the rein or take angles and hit him.

Stay somewhere far, or up high. You’re safe.

Talk for yourself.

He “good” because he is busted. None of the other tanks have half the dmg or shields that he does at the same time.

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Blizzard: “So what you’re saying is we need to buff his ult to go through bubbles/barriers anyway half the time if he’s close enough?” :joy:

Oh no, a mele character that

  • can’t reach farther than 1-2 meters in front of them
  • has no gun
  • has a huge hitbox
  • predictable abilities - even ult sometimes

is busted

Every tank except hog and orsa are “melee” characters and almost all have just as much huge of a hitbox except they don’t have a proper shield to protect that hitbox.

Also his ult is near unescapable when you are in the range and its range is actually very big.

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Orisa and Hog Mele?

and D.Va is a sniper?

That’s why one can shoot while the shield is up, and the other has damage reduction while healing himself

L2R please does less than 1 dmg if you are just 2 meters away.

Even though hog has that he is not even close as being as useful for the team as rein is.

That’s why half the forums whine about Hog being picked all the time?

I can’t speak for the others but hog is in somewhat good place.
In any case, he brings much less value as a tank compared to any shield tank.

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