Reinhardt gets destroyed a little more with each patch

Ummmm that’s great and I actually agree with you, but… What does that have to do with anything? Lol


Sorry. XD

I’m currently playing while I typed this.

Random I know, but I definitely am of the party that wants Reinhardt viable again.


All good, mate. Enjoy your games!


Yup! Imagine if those things traveled faster and left her gun faster, I gotta imagine that is something they experimented with and it turned out too strong against Reinhardt and other barrier heroes.

Because it’s the natural buff to make her current orbs more consistent and powerful.

eta: I feel like she was already supposed to be a counter to barrier heroes given she’s the only hero that can penetrate through their barriers, she just was laughably bad at it because her orbs were inconsistent.

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True. In general though, it should be harder to keep her alive than it is to kill her before the barrier goes down. Still, I totally expect Rein buffs to be on the horizon anyway. Poor guy needs some love.


I wouldn’t hold your breath. I’ve been waiting for a year now just about.


and what you’re failing to understand is, that with her new teleporter, it opens up a world of possibility for rein. Giving him maneuverability that he never had. Allowing him to instantly reach highground. This teleporter basically is a gamechanger. One of the biggest core powers of dive was the fact that they could take control of the highground with ease. I mean on dorado point 2, what exactly can you do as a rein? Go all the way up top and do what? One boop or anything and you’ll be down there, looking up, unable to reach your opponent or protecting your team.

This is a blessing for rein. Stop complaining.

Oh god… Even with the changes to their interactions with barriers, I’m scared of the new Sym orbs. They move three times as fast as they currently do, which I know is going to lead to some major salt from people turning corners into them. Just one of those and one second from a turret and most heroes are melted.

As an Ana and Sombra main, I feel you. Stay strong brave crusader!


Yeah I hope they buff Ana soon too. Honestly she may have it worse than Rein, and that’s saying something coming from me.


le sigh. Yet another person who literally never touches Reinhardt thinking they know what is best for him, while simultaneously dismissing the fact that the other hero in question will now hard counter him.

This thread isn’t about what having Symm as a teammate will do for Rein. It is about what facing one means for him.

Brigitte synergizes well with Reinhardt. Doesn’t mean she doesn’t hard counter him too.


Hey, at least they both see a little play in the pro scene. They’re not total dumpster fires just yet. The last balance patch was a great step in the right direction for other heroes (nerfing Tracer/D. Va, fixing Genji, buffing Lucio/Mei/Reaper). If Blizzard continues this trend, I think we’ll see some help for Rein and Ana next patch.

I’m kind of mixed feelings about them, because I loved them when they did work.

I spent like 4 minutes in comp on her this season. And our team was being spawn-camped for a while on Junkertown by a double barrier pirate ship strategy. I switched to Sym and popped some damage boosted orbs straight into Bastion’s face and they were forced back, allowing my team some breathing room. By the time they were forced backwards, I had my teleporter up, snuck behind them and set it out.

My team came through and immediately killed the Bastion and their healer, and then just destroyed the enemy out of that point.

And boom, we went from a total steamroll to a easily secured point thanks in very large part to the penetration of her orbs.

Now, I realize that maybe this wouldn’t have worked higher up. And maybe that’s a little too specific of a situation for them as they are and that if they buffed to be better they’d probably be horribly OP.

But when they worked, boy did they work, and there is no equivalent ability in the game.

Overall, I think that barrier tanks not named Winston are gonna benefit from me not being able to just lob an orb in their face anymore. And for me to be able to put them on the high ground.

Everyone always focuses so much on the strengths of a particular ability without really considering what’s being given up for those strengths.

In this case, I honestly think her orbs not penetrating barriers and her ability to teleport those immobile heroes onto the high ground is gonna be a much bigger gain for barrier heroes than her max ramped up damage is gonna be a loss.

Now DPS on the other hand, her new orbs and turrets seem like they are going to be a nightmare for them.

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The dev said the orb will impact instead of pierce, so there would be no more orb through shield shots.

We better see some help for Ana this upcoming patch, or else I’m gonna start shooting out everyone else’s eye and have them see how it feels!

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That’s not exactly how Geoff worded it. He said it wouldn’t pierce enemies or environments anymore. He didn’t say anything about shields. It just comes down to whether or not shields count as “environment”.

I would say it is unlikely they will pass through barriers, but I’m just pointing out that that is not known yet.

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Don’t sweat over these responses, reading through this thread made me realize how many people are in an alternate reality.

With all the garbage that’s come Rein’s way (and all the bug fixes that haven’t) I think the easy solution to buff his shield regeneration and give him a passive that either heavily reduces or completely protects him from CC. Don’t let Junk’s mines bounce him everywhere, don’t let Brigitte stun him out of his shield, hell even just don’t let most stuff mess with him when he’s holding his shield (like he’s planted into the ground kind of).

He’s absolutely the worst main tank not just because of how he gets screwed over by map design, but because he fails at doing the only thing he’s supposed to do half the time.


I agree. Thanks for having an actual level head.


As much as I see what you’re saying, I personally think the current Symm can already get through Rein, but she’s a soft counter. They really need to buff Rein’s hammer swing, make getting close to him feel like getting hit by a semi truck instead of a car. Also yes, buff his shield and him make him less CC susceptible. Not right that all junkrat has to do is pop a mine while you’re charging to throw you in the air or make you bounce with your shield. They should just make him immune to CC’s other than hard stops, and sleeps (Only fare imo).

But everything that was said currently about the Symm rework, is still in test mode, and nothing is set in stone. So have hopes that Symm won’t destroy him with her long thick beam (yes I made a dick joke lol)

if you’re having problems with mirror comps, then that’s an entirely different subject which i agree as well. It’s ridiculous. It’s disappointingly narrowed and it prevents the viability of lots of heroes.

But what you’re failing to understand is that we’ll have 2 different possibilities when symmetra comes to live.

1-She’ll remain just as useless or at most, a niche type of hero. Which in this case, nothing will change in regards to rein.

2- She’ll become a very strong pick and a part of the desirable meta heroes. Which in that case, you pick heroes with her that synergize best with her. Which with the current situation we have with tanks, winston won’t be a good candidate, because the new symmetra will still not work that great with dive, orisa which might be decent on some points, but in general, YOU GUESSED IT, Reinhardt. So yes. It is a blessing. While you’re assuming that she’s going to hard counter you, what you’re failing to understand is that IF she becomes viable, it’ll only boost rein’s pickrate and bring him more into the spotlight.

Junkrat was already shredding through your shields like papers anyways. Specially thanks to mercy’s damage boost. This change will at least, give him more room to be viable and useful.

So it’s you who’s not understanding how good this can be. Not me.