Reinhardt, but released in OW2

Shield can be put down on the ground like sigma/ram with a double keybind like shield bash, and retrieved with right click.
Optionally, an interesting alternative to this would simply be a passive defensive ability, i.e. reducing shield damage taken by ~35% when shield health is above 50%
Firestrike (maybe to be renamed) deals fire damage in a conal area in front of him, dealing roughly 70-80 damage, OR maybe a higher 100 ticking damage to everyone caught in the sweep.
Charge honestly needs to be modernized. It’s kind of ridiculous Mauga knocks him to the ground in a charge vs charge,
I understand Mauga has CC immunity and all but Reinhardt literally has a high tech suit. You’d hope they’d improved his tech,
since his armor definitely visually upgraded since Overwatch 1. Compared to a lot of newer heroes it’s really easy to tell that Reinhardt is one of the “vanilla” characters.

This idea obviously needs to be fine tuned, I’m just spitballing here.
Could anybody make this in a workshop mode? I would love to fine tune it and test it out.

Naked chest, pink underwear

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Is there nobody who would/ could be able to do this? I would just love to see it in action. Maybe using an altered version of jq’s carnage for the firestrike.