Rein Shatter is broken (as in it isn't working as intended)

Hi, I’m Fragehardt. Many of you may remember me from the old forums and the early days of these forums. For the sake of giving credibility to what I have to say, I would like to point out that I was a GM/Top 500 Main Tank player for 20+ consecutive seasons and have been playing since Beta. I say this so that you will understand that I am intimately familiar with the hero and how his ultimate functioned previously.

So, that being said… With the new change, you literally cannot block a close range shatter. If the rein is within that 2 meter range and your shield is up, you can’t block that shatter now. In the past you could block it at that distance. It functions like this with other shield heroes too. This drastically alters the rein matchup, but I do not think for the better. It takes away skill expression of blocking the shatters, and makes landing shatter extremely easy.

I do not wish to comment on the actual balance change (whether or not I think the damage itself is a good change), I simply want it to function as it did before, where the shatter is blockable at close range. Please just fix this, and make it function as intended.


A Reinhardt Main

Edit: It’s worse than I thought. Super made a video showing off how broken it is. Starts at 2:45.

Edit 2: Flats video goes slightly more in depth. Starts at 1:29:

Edit 3: Moved to bug report.


It’s not just Rein.

I’ve been slamming teams behind Zarya’s all night. It’s shattering past bubble as well.


Yeah, I know, I mentioned in my post that it functions similarly with other shield heroes too. Even Brig lol. This needs to be fixed.

In the meantime, I’ll be taking advantage of the devs kindness for my OTP self.

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Did the devs forget that the PTR exists? Seriously, did they?


I can’t believe they pushed this straight to live. This feature is blatantly broken and removes counterplay to earthshatter almost entirely.


There is very limited counterplay if their rein has shatter and you dont have it. Because going in could end up being costly because being within 2 meters range you are not going to be able to block shatter. So you would have to keep distance until their rein uses shatter and that is not the way rein was designed.

It’s strange, the 200 damage hitbox happens before the hammer hits the ground. That’s why zarya can get stunned through bubble.


I think the 200 damage is coming before the actual shatter therefore its breaking the barrier when it damaged AND shattering.

Which would be OP.


I did advocate for the change since kinda long ago, and partially it was specifically to allow Reinhardt to shatter through enemy Reinhardt shield lol

Sorry, I dont really play tanks and I like the change very much :blush:
Hope they dont change it

We don’t need your strange sith powers!

Finally, a tank gets a buff, and now you want to nerf him. Rein gets hammered from every direction. Everyone knows when his ult is ready and when your shield drops for that 0.5 seconds when you see a window you are more likely to get stunned, or slept, defeated by any of three shields in front of you or outright killed than land a shatter. And its made harder by latency. So, yes beating a shield at two metres is only fair and actually gives only a marginal advantage all things considered.

It’s bugged. You can hit people through solid walls, never mind shields.

The change itself isn’t that bad. They need to fix the bugs though.


tbf everything goes through brig shield lol


I really want them to fix that. It’s been an issue since she released but they refuse to do anything. Besides, even if it was fixed all the high rank players would cause a Riot cause oh no brig got BUFFED. MOST BROKEN BUFF EVER???!1?1!1???!


They really would lol. How dare her kit function as intended!?


I bet if that problem happened with Rein it would get patched instantly

  • Hanzo can fire storm arrow through barriers



Yeah that has been an ongoing issue for forever actually. You could have your shield squarely on a D.Va bomb and die to it, among other things.

Yeah, I posted a link to a video showing off the shatter through walls.

Very hard disagree.

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I… don’t think this was a feature. It is probably a bug unintended from modifying parts of shatter to perform different effects. Forgot to code in the blatant STOPPING the shatter at that point lol.
Also it may treat a shield like a wall no? So that may explain why it happens with both?
(No this doesn’t mean it was okay to push to live, they could’ve easily caught the bugs in experimental or PTR)

They lazy enough for that to do with experimental (just to see intended effects), I’m surprised it even made it through testing it. IF they even tested.

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Honestly it kinda feels like they just directly used the “players in radius” action from workshop and called it a day.

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