Rein or lose. A rant for the ptr

Every single one of my past competitive games that’s been the case. You have a Reinhardt on your team. Or you lose.
The problem isn’t Reinhardt. He’s hell to play and is balanced. The problem is, that there is no substituted. He is the ONLY SHIELD TANK.

b-b-b orisa. Orisa nothing. Orisa’s shield is so weak that most teams in silver burn it down in 2-3 seconds.

We need either a massive buff to orisa or 2-3 more types of tanks that can substitute for rein AND put a hard limit to how many shield tanks can be on the field at once.

Orisa on the ptr. Unplayable. Armor nerf + reaper buff = Orisa from C tier to F tier.
D.VA from A tier to D tier, Rein. From S tier to… S tier… Zaraya. From A tier to… S tier. Winston and hammond. From B tier to C tier.
Road is still in F tier.

You only have 2 playable tanks on the ptr… Any hero under B tier shouldn’t be played in competitive.

My Current Tier list. (Based on PTR testing)

S tier. - This tier consists of either vastly overpowered or irreplaceable heroes in a comp match. In gold, plat and low diamond these have a 90% + pick rate.
Ana, Rein, Zarya, Widow, Hanzo.

A tier. - This tier consists of heroes that are strong but not vastly overpowered.
Genji, Briggitte, Mei, Moira, Zenyatta, Reaper.

B tier, This tier consists of heroes that are slightly weak but is due to the meta or tuning issues.

Ashe, Doomfist, Lucio, Mercy, tracer

C tier, This tier consists of heroes that are under powered for multiple reasons including the meta.

Winston, pharah, Junkrat, Mcree, Solider 76, Torbjorn, winston, hammond.

D tier, This tier consists of heroes that are Vastly underpowered and should NEVER BE PLAYED IN COMPETITIVE. (Unless in a very specific situation.)

Bastion, DVA, Sombra, Symmettra.

F tier. These two heroes are a throw pick that almost always does more harm than good.

Roadhog. (Aka the ultbattery) and Orisa the victim.

As it stands. You should never pick dva over zarya which destroys her only place dropping her form A tier to D tier. Orisa went from being weak B tier to Throw pick D tier, Road hog is a walking throw pick, has been for ages.

Luckily Goats is replaced with SNOATS so my main (Mei) Gets bumped to A tier replacing DVA entirely.

What this PTR does. Nefs everything that goats isn’t, Makes reaper viable and destroys all tanks that arn’t the core of goats.


I still feel like it’s really the healers that the devs need to go after.

Ana and Lucio didn’t need those last buffs and Brig didn’t need to exist. Before that massive shift in supports, who all greatly favour Rein, things were a lot more balanced in the main tanks.

Orisa could use a small buff, but she’s not a hugely weak hero. She’s just really countered by speed boosted Reinhardts and Brigittes holding W who are being healed by three sources at once, and Winston comps are still a bad idea because of Brig.

I don’t think there’s anything sensible you can do to the main tanks alone to solve it.


This, Please.
this would fix so many issues.


Bastions main attraction is that the hero is a Tank killer, very weak but kills tanks very easily, combined with Symm and Orisa, can be a extremely effective killer of Goats and other tank based teams.

Bos is something you will see in the next OWL season as it is being refined with every game in the contenders series.

Other than that, almost everything in your post is hyper biased and in many ways trying to homogenise Comp down to the same subset of heroes and make games have no challenge except for pure mechanical ones.

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Ana and Lucio saw very little play before those buffs. Without them they didn’t see play. Brigitte was in some ways overkill but necessary since the Devs didn’t want to nerf Tracer down to earth. They do favor Rein to a degree but I don’t see them as the problem

Orisa needs a lot of buffs. Her kit is heavily loaded into shield up time but outside of chokes it’s not that good. She hasn’t been a substitute for Rein since her initial damage nerf. That damage gave her some decent pushing power that she lacks now.

Not really. We need a new main tank that has some overlap with Rein but allows for new team comps and synergy. OP makes a good point that:


Lucio literally S tier (95%+ pickrate) In every tournament or comp for over a year
and ana forming a triple tank meta that nobody liked, and she was nerfed accordingly.

but, They never saw any play!!!


Lucio is s tier. Speedboost is the real goats enabler


Pro play isn’t ladder. No one played Lucio for a long time. Lucio wasn’t around during the 6 seasons of dive meta and didn’t see much play outside of slambulance. That comp was really niche and didn’t get run much.

She was meta from season 2-4 and that was it. She was over nerfed too.

I guess knowing the history of the meta isn’t important when you can scream dumb crap like this…


Lucio B tier… wow.

He has been enabling every comp that includes Rein and Zarya since the dawn of time. Speed boost is the most powerful utility in the game, and one of the only things you can’t counter without your own. He also has one of the best ults in the game.

I really have no idea how so many people are oblivious to how strong he is.


Their buffs came at the exact same moment that Mercy stopped being mandatory, which caused them to not be playable. They were in a good spot, there was no reason to powercreep them. Lucio was actually the go-to dive healer until Mercy 2.0 ruined the balance.

That damage back is the sort of scale of buff I’d like tbh.


Mercy did push both out of the meta. I don’t think Ana was in a good spot though. Lucio could see play but was very underwhelming. His radius was too small and his healing wasn’t enough to pick him. I think both are in okay spots but the current meta doesn’t have many options to punish them.

We have nothing to counter Lucio’s speed other than Sombra and she’s not really popular. Ana is doing well because mobility isn’t that prominent right now. Don’t forget that all the buffs to snipers and ranged poke mean the dive tanks are very vulnerable when diving her. They’re not OP as much as benefiting from circumstance.

I agree. The problem is she needs buffs everywhere. Her gun is horrible. Everything from the travel time, damage, spread and reload is not ideal. Fortify is okay but halt is very weak. She’s also too slow and her barrier is only strong in chokes. She needs a longer shield CD but the ability to re position it.

To top it off super charger is just weird. In a game with so much movement its stationary? Her whole theme is built around being a protector but she has an offensive team ult? Why not a team buff against CC or damage resistance? Grav+dragon combo would have had solid counter play if Orisa could pop a team wide CC cleanse.



I would buff antibarriers heroes instead…

Heavy Barrier comps are afraid of Sombra buffs. Doomfist was a good option too.

Symmetra old secondary orbs were useful, but now she has teleport and flying turrets to avoid barriers.

At least, now, you can use Ashe’s Dynamite and Bob

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Watched a Stylosa video where he said that pros played some PTR scrims and wound up playing triple and quad DPS compositions. So don’t worry. If that transfers over to live servers you won’t have to play Reinhardt.

Don´t worry, after the patch most Rein-players will drop him. So all games will end with a draw.

But if Brig didn’t exist, I wouldn’t have a cool looking engineer character that looks like she came straight out a Grandia game. I mean… especially in her Mechanic skin. That is literally my favorite skin in this game. Even though I don’t have it yet… :frowning:


I just checked the omnicmeta data for season 5 and he still had a 40-50% usage rate across all the tiers, what data are you using might I ask?

their season 6 data has lucio being on average the 2nd pick in a tier, with mercy being #1
The only tiers this doesnt apply for is bronze where he was 4th and silver/gold where he was 3rd.

How could you get this so wrong?

edited: i cant read lol

I guess being wrong comes naturally to you.


Maybe for many things but not Overwatch. What do I know though. At least I’m not a trash gold player ranting on the forums without a clue…

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I gave you a source lol, where is yours?
can’t even read a rank properly, ecks D?

plat is slightly above average, which is a weak brag if any, but means until proven otherwise I’m still probably a better player than you x.

Anyway, fact check yourself first next time instead of stomping around with lies you can’t back up with a source. xoxo

Hypocrisy thy name is?

oh no the fake masters player thinks my rank is bad because I called them out with a source (multiple, actually)
how inspiring, what will he do next!

Cite all the wrong data you want, without a source nobody should take you seriously, you’re nothing more than the garbage I leave out on the curb to be collected each week. :^)

Sombra in D tier? She’s going to benefit from the armour nerf quite a bit.