Every single one of my past competitive games that’s been the case. You have a Reinhardt on your team. Or you lose.
The problem isn’t Reinhardt. He’s hell to play and is balanced. The problem is, that there is no substituted. He is the ONLY SHIELD TANK.
b-b-b orisa. Orisa nothing. Orisa’s shield is so weak that most teams in silver burn it down in 2-3 seconds.
We need either a massive buff to orisa or 2-3 more types of tanks that can substitute for rein AND put a hard limit to how many shield tanks can be on the field at once.
Orisa on the ptr. Unplayable. Armor nerf + reaper buff = Orisa from C tier to F tier.
D.VA from A tier to D tier, Rein. From S tier to… S tier… Zaraya. From A tier to… S tier. Winston and hammond. From B tier to C tier.
Road is still in F tier.
You only have 2 playable tanks on the ptr… Any hero under B tier shouldn’t be played in competitive.
My Current Tier list. (Based on PTR testing)
S tier. - This tier consists of either vastly overpowered or irreplaceable heroes in a comp match. In gold, plat and low diamond these have a 90% + pick rate.
Ana, Rein, Zarya, Widow, Hanzo.
A tier. - This tier consists of heroes that are strong but not vastly overpowered.
Genji, Briggitte, Mei, Moira, Zenyatta, Reaper.
B tier, This tier consists of heroes that are slightly weak but is due to the meta or tuning issues.
Ashe, Doomfist, Lucio, Mercy, tracer
C tier, This tier consists of heroes that are under powered for multiple reasons including the meta.
Winston, pharah, Junkrat, Mcree, Solider 76, Torbjorn, winston, hammond.
D tier, This tier consists of heroes that are Vastly underpowered and should NEVER BE PLAYED IN COMPETITIVE. (Unless in a very specific situation.)
Bastion, DVA, Sombra, Symmettra.
F tier. These two heroes are a throw pick that almost always does more harm than good.
Roadhog. (Aka the ultbattery) and Orisa the victim.
As it stands. You should never pick dva over zarya which destroys her only place dropping her form A tier to D tier. Orisa went from being weak B tier to Throw pick D tier, Road hog is a walking throw pick, has been for ages.
Luckily Goats is replaced with SNOATS so my main (Mei) Gets bumped to A tier replacing DVA entirely.
What this PTR does. Nefs everything that goats isn’t, Makes reaper viable and destroys all tanks that arn’t the core of goats.