Rein is the only tank now with 2 OHKOs🦏

Oh, and he also has the best barrier in the game & some mobility on top of his bloated kit.

Is that really balanced? No, it’s not. He’s the perfect tank in every way, the actual definition of OP. The way Blizz keep buffing and favouring him he’s the tank version of Cassidy.


Nah. I think sigs barrier is better tbh. Being able to reposition very frequently/toggle for recharge optionally/shoot at the same time is combining some of the strongest features of rein’s barrier, orisa’s barrier and dva’s matrix.

About your actual point tho, I don’t think his one shots are problematic. Maybe in ow2 when there is far less cc to control rein, and he has better movement during pin attempts it will be annoying. Currently it’s not really an issue and used more for changing position quickly/rollout from spawn.

As for earthshatter… just track his ult and don’t sit in his lap when he has it ?


How about listing a weakness? He has pathetic range and pathetic “mobility” despite what you say, and is actually one of the weakest tanks in higher ranks for this reason. Try playing rein into hog & ball torture.


Lmao or Vs poke when you’re not allowed to play the game even with speed half the time


Reinhardt is one of the most easily abusable & beatable tanks in the game, if not the easiest

I abuse Reinhardts tbh… not many things feel quite as good as laughing at him not be able to play the game as Symmetra


It took me a full minute to remember Charge is technically a OHK.



Tell me you’re play without telling me you’re plat


Wow, I can tell you how to not die to his 2 OHKOs. 1: Don’t stand within earthshatter slam radius. 2: Pin is probably the buggiest and most inconsistent ability in this game. He is also very vulnerable while in a charge. Just… have your team shoot him?

Implying Rein is OP over charge and a gimmick (that honestly, as a tank player, I dislike), is nuts because you ignore all of his many weaknesses.

He IS his barrier. Once his barrier is low or broken, he is a sitting duck. He is a melee character, he has to move TO you to hit you. How are you discussing Rein being broken while ignoring Sigma for some reason?


Go on H I G H G R O U N D or alternatively pick high damage spam heroes and spam him as he tries to engage. You’re welcome for the free 700 sr tips


DVa has two :slight_smile:

20 chars


Charge is… not consistent enough to be in consideration for a problematic one-shot.

Earthshatter on the other hand… arguably one of the best ults in the game did not need a buff.


Prior to the change Earthshatter was not a top 10 ult by any stretch and even now it is probably on the lower end of the top 10.

Yeah ESPECIALLY that buff. I can’t believe it goes through shields, bubbles, and even walls now. It just removed the little counterplay that shatter had.

Woah woah woah, what in the world so you mean? He has the best barrier yeah, but that’s becuase its his whole identity. He does not have the best mobility; are you even thinking about the tanks that can literally fly into and out of the fight?

Also, he has no range. His fire strikes can be dodged by slowly walking to the side. What do you want, him to do less damage?

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High ground fixes all of that. It’s his main weakness, and you’d be surprised how useless he is against it 80% if the time


Eh, if you count Reiner’s charge, you have to count hook, in my opinion. Neither is a one shot by definition, but both are effectively a one shot when you used properly (against squishy targets).

Rein can feel more OP than every other tank no doubt. But it requires the right map with the team comp and against the optimal comp.

You can’t just run Rein down mid on Gibraltar against double shield and expect to have a good time, especially if you don’t have Lucio.

Rein has one very big glaring weakness and that is ranged poke/spam. If you let him get close then that’s on you.

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Technically every tank hero has a oneshot in forms of boops.


Hog can hook you off the cliff. Hog’s M1 can one shot. Hogs M2 can 1 shot.

Hog has 3 literal one button one shots.