Rein disabled on PTR

Blizzard why? :sob: :sob:


They gave up on bug fixes and decided to just disable him.

Reinhardt is now dead in the lore.

Funeral processions will be on Tuesday.


Press F to pay respects.

After all he was the hero who was going to die in the lore

How do you take a guy that heavy to the morgue? We’re going to need a Forklift hero.

CaN wE gEt A rIp In ThE cHaT

What? But why?

Put him on the payload… It will be one last ride to victory…


None of his abilities and attacks work correctly, except for Firestrike.
May as well disable him for the next year until they can fix him.

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Always figured he’d be first to die. When i writing my own lore i had him killed off too… I mean we already have his pupil taking up the role of guardian for her team.

Wasn’t he already disabled in live game?

/s and not /s in a way

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That’s a D: but also, like, you’re not wrong

its only a matter of time before hes deleted from the hero select screen.

See the following.

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Earthshattering news.

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Sorry, but I’d rather press F to destroy my turret