Regarding the rare Ana arabic voice line

She says in Arabic…
لبس البوصة تبقى عروسة
labs albusah tabqaa eurusah

It literally translates to (dress up the Common Reed and it’ll look like a bride) it could also mean (dress up the Common Reed and it’ll look like a doll) since eurusah in Arabic could refer to either a bride or a doll, and a Common Reed is a plant that grows on the Nile with no aesthetic form.

This popular Egyptian proverb means that through clothing or the external beauty of the thing or to the person it can appear as a bride an indication of beauty and splendor, it is said about the person who spends on their outside appearance.

I don’t think the meaning has anything to do with the lore, its just a quote Ana uses to mock Widow.



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Well that’s just great. Now I’m going to die trying to 3-tap Widowmakers in Anubis.

I hope your happy.

Well… that’s interesting xd

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Bride skin widow confirmed? ;3

Jk, good find though.


Anyone have a link to Ana saying it? I dont think I’ve ever heard it and now I really want to!

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I have a clip i recorded when i went to kill her to actually hear what she was saying. don’t know how to share it with you tho

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Granny sounds a little jelly over Widow’s good looks

Maybe you can upload it somewhere? :smiley:

Interesting. I didn’t know she had this line.

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Nah she looked pretty good in her younger days.

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bad@ss elderly ladies, am I right?

You can upload it to YouTube and link it here.
Here you go guys. sorry for the bad quality

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That’s awesome! Thanks for uploading :smile:

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Cool! I never knew about this. I think rare voice lines/interactions are some of the most interesting things in the game.

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