Regarding Mercy so called spam

Are we just making up quotes? Pretty sure the person you were replying to didn’t say that.

Good Mercy’s get rewarded with good ultimates. That being said, mass Resurrect was a niche and was incredibly easy to negate. I mean, it’s biggest counter was ult economy which most players had an idea of.

Quite literally, we don’t have to control our hero. Valkyrie gives us the option to stand still in the air. Also, conveniently, it is best used by staying as far as possible from the fight. Funny, really, since Jeff himself stated that one of the reasons for the rework was to make Mercy more engaging.

Why are we acting as if it was impossible to deal with? She was literally underpowered before invulnerability and her pickrate in pro play was ridiculously low. This much shows how people tend to exaggerate the power of mass Resurrect. If anything, Resurrect on E is way more powerful than mass Resurrect. Here’s why:

I know this isn’t a question directed towards me but, personally, I found the thrill of using mass Resurrect fun.