Refusing to switch is gameplay sabotage yes or no

Go read the description for gameplay sabotage.

You can. Go form your own team in LFG.

Playing poorly and not switch are both explicitly written as not reportable. You’re false reporting; false report is a bannable offense.


You know 20 heroes. I one trick Sombra.
You played a 1000 games and ended up at an SR 2800.
I played a 1000 games and ended up at an SR 2800.
Our winrates are identical.

Now should i demand that you are better at the game, or else you be banned. Or should you demand that I be better at the game, or else I get banned?

The heroes have counters and map preferences. They have limits in the game. Knowing more makes you more versatile which is something you should offer a team if the goal is to win. In comp you are playing to win and improve. Fun is secondary.

I’m not saying ban anyone. I am saying you hinder your team far more often with limited utility and that is something your teammates shouldn’t have to shoulder for your selfish decision.

First of all we are discussing bannable offense here, which is “gameplay sabotage”.
Second - why do you think my team has to shoulder me more if we performed equally across vast amount of games. Clearly my performance as one hero outweights suboptimal choice considering enemy picks. Since we ended up winning exact same amount of games.

all true except maybe the fun is secondary part. debateable.


the pick of character remains the player’s choice, and if they choose to remain with a single character, thats their choice.

nothing selfish about it

the game is set up so that you control you, and I control me.

the selfishness here is your apparent desire to micromanage player picks for your team, ie you pick not only your character but everyone elses as well

the game has provided a way for you to selfishly do so. Its called LFG. Form you a group and kick out anyone who you’ve deemed unacceptable in any way, shape or form. Make sure you inform them exactly how you want them to play their character, while you’re at it. wash rinse repeat. enjoy

Same SR does not equal that but I get your poibt. The issue is when thrown into a randon scenario your utility is far more limited in general. Sure, enough times through it you managed but how many times did you need a medic/tank/hitscan/etc and your team was like… well, we have the hacker. Gotta make the best of it and adapt because she’s not switching.

By insisting on your pick and nothing else you make 5 others conform to your pick. If anything that’s far more selfish than five sixths agreeing maybe you coukd try someone else.


the only thing I’ve “made you do” (or made anyone on the team do) is not pick the character I’ve selected; which since you dont like my pick, I dont think I have taken away anything from you

You’re still free to make any pick you like of those remaining

Nah, there is no voting

All 5 of you could agree I need to go Rein (for example) and it is still my choice

I can switch to Rein by my own choice


Keep the character I have


Switch to yet another character the rest of you havent pre-approved

this isnt that difficult.

You control you

I control me

The other 4 control themselves as well

And this is how you’re selfishly hurting the team.
Whelp… we have an attack Bastion. Guess we need someone to shield, a pocket medic, etc to have any chance of this working or we can just not try to win and play 5 v 6 which means we’re not playing competitively anymore. Heroes vary in their utility levels and the like. They’re not all equal.

It’s called demonizing things we don’t like regardless of whether its fair or not to do so, blizzard supported, heh what am I saying, blizzard APPROVED btw.


It depends.

If it’s flat out refusing to swap when you are hard countered and being entirely ineffectual, then I entirely agree with the ban. That’s sabotage, plain and simple, take the stick out of your bum and actually H E L P the team win.

That being said, if your doing your thing, and helping, and people just don’t think whatever hero you’ve chosen is optimal 'cause the Spitfire didn’t play it on that map, then that’s some bull.

Unless it’s Sym or Torb. They’re never ok to play and you should be banned for playing them.

We are talking about freedom here, and you are putting yours above mine. How is that fair?

To elaborate:
-this theoretical person that one tricks Sombra, is losing 500 games out of a 1000 because his hero choice was suboptimal, even tho he played well.
-you, as a person who plays 20 different heroes, are losing 500 games out of a 1000 because you didn’t play all 20 of them good enough, even tho your hero choices were perfectly optimal

So it all boils down to the freedom to pick a game difficulty level and challenges that you enjoy:
-You are free to play the game in the “easiest” way, by picking the most overpowered heroes and compositions, effectively bypassing mechanical requirements, and being 2800 SR even tho your mechanical skill alone would put you at 2000 SR.
-Someone else is free to play the game in the “hard” way, by sticking to a suboptimal hero, but excelling their mechanical skill, effectively bypassing teamwork requirements, which puts them again at 2800 SR, even tho their hero picking choice and collaboration performance suggests they belong at 2000 SR.

To add - if you say I’m sabotaging your game at 2800 SR by displaying poor teamwork, that is equally true for you sabotaging my game by being way worse mechanically.

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…ORRRRRRR… it might just work if Bastion is healed by healers just like anyone else, or goes and seeks out med packs like anyone else

unless you know the future

again, I could really use those Mega MIllions numbers…no pressure tho…

if I am following your math correctly, Bastion counts as 0 players

uh, gonna need details, as this isn’t like the math I was taught in grade school, where 6 = 6 or if you prefer 5+1=6

except it isnt

quoting from the report a player for Gameplay Sabotage screen

Please take note of that third bit

I needed that laugh, thanks. Greatly appreciated.

That said, I have noted that they still appear as available choices in every game. Wonder why Blizzard hasnt removed them as available player choices, given that, as you say, they’re never ok to play.

Didnt they get the memo from you banning them as choices?

May want to send that again, and get a proof of delivery this time


First off, if you’re being hard countered you can still manage. If you can’t, that’s a skill issue. The problem is not refusing to swap. It’s being bad. Which is not reportable.
Secondly, hard counters still shouldn’t even exist in the first place. If a character is 100% worthless because of another character and skill is irrelevent, that is trash design and it’s not the player’s fault.

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ez no

20 characterss

Actually, they have stated that any reports receieved while punished, are not counted. e.g. you cant get punished since the reports are invalid

In certain situations I think it should be.

Example: the other day someone was doing the H + click spam on widow (making the hero portrait flash obnoxiously)

Someone asked him to stop in chat, he didn’t, and someone took widow from him during his spam.

He told the person who took widow from him to give back widow. Person refused to give him back widow so he raged in chat and went Sombra. (which we already had 4 dps, and he was obviously throwing based on his gameplay) he wouldn’t switch to another hero, and said he’d continue to throw until he gets widow.