Reducing shields was such a good change

And Blizzard is fully allowed, whether I like it or not, to move in that direction.

I didn’t move to playing Tanks in 2017 because I wanted to brawl. I moved because I wanted to Tank.

If Blizzard thinks they will get more people to play tanks by making them brawlers, then more power to them, I just won’t be here to see it happen.

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I like top hats.


This was the very reasoning why I never got concerned when I first heard about the shields getting nerfed. Ok, instead of making a wall to hide behind, we use the legit walls that actually exist. I always use natural cover if needed, especially when the tanks play badly. It wasn’t all bad, but there was still some bad I’d argue, like Orisa shield. A lot of people and me agree, it’s fairly flimsy because of what occurred to nerf said shields. (Which is why I am intrigued by this Experiment. More reasons why, but Orisa’s 1 reason)

I am fine with lower shield health if shield break isn’t so high
almost every dps still does way too much dps

Please Never say this ever again

Anyways I am fine with a shield nerf if tanks just haven’t been getting worst and worst and worst overall.
People think Tanks are 600 HP DPS with giant shields but really their not
People want Tanks to be 600 HP ult batteries and they essentially are
Most tank players just want tank to be playable and fun and not an underpowered role
but here we are.

If all damage heroes got a damage nerf to compensate for the shield nerf I think we would be in a much better spot now
expecially since power creep has brought almost every dps to some level of more powerful than they should be
Good example includes Mcree and Hanzo
Bad example includes a hero like junkrat who mind you is meant for shield break

I don’t see the point in lowering damage values if we’re weakening shields. In a way that just kinda puts us back where we started, just with smaller numbers. And personally, I don’t want the game to have an unnecessarily high TTK

I will agree though, F Hanzo. I’ll never understand why they buffed spam arrows instead of, oh idk… His primary fire? Y’know, that think that makes him feel good to play and less reliant on close-mid range duels, so he can snipe as intended?

The reduction of barrier health for Orisa, Reinhardt, Sigma and Brigitte is overkill because Orisa, Sigma and Brigitte’s barriers can be destroyed more easily than Reinhardt’s barrier.