Are we never going to see our red name tags again? I’m so confused as to why the new competitive drive removed the previous ones. Not only is it timegated to get the nametag but the duration that you own it is also limited? It just makes no sense why they couldn’t make another customizable part of your profile be the drive name tags that everyone worked so hard to get.
They originally said that the tags only last until the next drive event.
It’s a form of fomo, designed to force you into grinding every season if you want to have it again.
No they said the drives would stay until the start of the next drive period, ie. A specific drive was meant to last 6 months.
We got the red signature last season, this season we were supposed to keep that one but be able to promote it to rank II and then next season we were supposed to promote it to rank III
They literally showed the picture of the signatures in the original announcement clearly showing we would keep the red one and be able to prestige it each season. After 6 months is when they said they would reset and youd get a new one
So they lied essentially
I’m glad. The purple ones look way better
Yea I am glad they changed their mind. New one looks better. I however wish people just had the option to choose which one they wanted to use after earning them.
Next level scam. Grind for a temprorary cosmetic that you won’t even own.
Hopefully not. They were so ugly.
Because someone at blizz thought it would be real fun for everyone to make ppl work for a prize just to take it away later.
On the concept the idea is great but it was truly horrible put in the game. Only 3 days for the players to play a ton of matches and desire to win those name borders is trough the roof. If the players who are new want to get that name border then 10 placement matches are not counted as a progress trough the drive and thus it increases frustration. This creates the demand for all the other players to be better then the opponents which can lead to moments of burnout and toxicity.
Drives should at least last half of the battle pass season, return the number of points required for the name border from the last drive and make the name borders permanent if the players want to have something for all that grind.
Because they are placement matches. They are not gaining or losing rank because they don’t have a rank yet.
The issue i see with short term drive events, is that a lot of people actively throw the few weeks before.
Those who play ranked for the ranked experience suffer from casuals queueing up and intentionally throwing to make grinding the borders and points easier for themselves.
In theory the weekend itself should be good competition because everyone wants to win. But the throwers from the few weeks before water that down immensely.
It just doesn’t work as well in practise as it could with a bit of adjustment.
Because they have trouble figuring out how to store more than one Drive.
Even though i don’t like 5v5 and i have only played rank ever since i started playing OW1, i only play with Torb. I didn’t wanted to throw the matches and be a little spoilsport so i decided to play from start to end.
As i said there 3 problems:
- Event is too short
- Name borders or drives are not permanent
- Short timing and hard grinding leads to toxicity and burnout.
When the drives were announced and i heard the nametags were only temporary, i figured the event wouldn’t be worth playing.
It’s not worth it to struggle through the potential toxicity to get something that’ll be taken away in the next season.
It might be better if a drive event lasted for a whole week. That way there’d be less burn out.
To slightly mitigate the thrower issue, higher rank matches could reward more points. That way throwing matches wouldn’t be worth it.
(Could cause other issues i haven’t thought of yet)
What surprises me is how long folks take to understand that a Competitive mode, with nft guns and temporary nft nametags in a videogame who you don’t get a dimme and not going professionally worth the effort or time spent towards it.
Is fine to gauge your skill and so, but doesn’t mean much at end of the day.
What an absolute waste of game development. It actually makes me NOT want to play to get them or even care for them. If people can keep them, I think it’d ‘drive’ people to play… pun excused.
It’s not necessarily a good gauge of skill when matches are full of deranked players going for winstreaks cuz the event is impossible at normal ranks due to 50/50. The only consolation we can take from this is that some people who derank deliberately may wind up in elo hell and never climb again.
For every one clown who does this, there are five opponents that will not have a very good time playing against deranked smurfs.
Then there are the reports of people crashing servers to avoid losses. Ddos is back.
The gauge of skill, is comp itself not the drive event. The only actual good thing from comp is to understand where you are at the ladder. While QP could already provide it to you if they were transparent about that.
Competitive on a game that folks don’t gain anything from it, is basically pointless. Unless folks get money from streaming it, going pro or something like that. Is as much relevant as any other game mode.
The noise provided by folks trying to get the weapon skins and name tags are also pretty bad. Most folks on bronze are in there due the weapon skins, while the drive nametags gives exactly what you said, huge swings and fluctuations on the folks ranks. While those swings should had been a thing on comp, shouldn’t be tied to rewards. If comp exist, should be taken seriously paired with a way to enable folks to reach something useful. Like Regional championships and stuff like that. Due bragging rights in a videogame is not a big of deal.
They keep saying that they want OW2 to be a competitive game, but each action feels like they wants kids to think that OW2 is a competitive game to begin with. A competitive game you increase the stakes and actually provide a space for folks actually to do it for real.
Demoting even more any kind of competitive integrity that they “try to sell” to begin with. See my point? If you want competitive scene to be taken seriously you need to provide tools and space for those who actually care to build it up inside your own game by making a “path to pro”.
Instead of giving an illusion that they care about it.